
minimOSD Vario with MS5611 GY63

tobif00 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi I'm using a minimOSD with KV Mod without a FC. Is there a possibility to use a MS5611baro for KKAUDIOVARIO via the ISP (SPI) Interface?

Thank a lot.

Yes - see following. It can be enabled in config.h I don't think anyone ever used it so hope it still works!!

/******************** KK Audio Vario / climbrate Settings ************************/
A highly accurate / sensitive Audio Vario from KapeteinKuk
Uses MS5611 pressure sensor connected by I2C and simple circuit added to OSD
Only supported by VIRTUALPILOT AEROMAX hardware unless able to carry out very fine soldering. Refer to links below

//#define KKAUDIOVARIO AUDIOPIN // Enable this for audio vario. AUDIOPIN = D2 on AEROMAX hardware. Alternatively use A3 (RSSI) with other hardware
//#define AUDIOVARIOSWITCH // Enable this to use screen layouts to enable/disable vario. If visual vario is displayed, the audio vario is on
#define KKDEADBANDLOW -25 // Deadband threshold for sinking (Set to -500 to disable sink tones). 0 for no deadband
#define KKDEADBANDHIGH 15 // Deadband threshold for climbing. 0 for no deadband

Also early video of GPS only vario.