
A repository consisting of all the project files and codes for RISC-V Processor design using Transaction Level Verilog.

Primary LanguageSystemVerilog

5-Stage Pipelined RISC-V Processor(RV32I)

A repository consisting of all the project files and codes for RISC-V Processor design using Transaction Level Verilog. WhatsApp Image 2023-07-19 at 20 29 10

The CPU core is based on the RV32I ISA. For more information refer the the RISC-V Specification

This repository is for the MYTH(Microprocessors in Thirty Hours) by Redwood EDA and TheEEView.

The final RV32I core in TLV format can be viewed in the RV32Icore.tlv file.

The System verilog file for the same is also uploaded for reference ( rv32icoredef.sv for signal definitions and rv32icore.sv for logic ). The TLV file is converted to the SV file using Sandpiper SaaS compiler in Makerchip IDE.

The remaining files are just for my reference. Kindly ignore them.

Important Notes :-

  • The CPU core is compatible with Verilator and almost all open-source simulators once converted to System-Verilog which can be done easily via the Sandpiper SaaS compiler tool.
  • The core's features include 5-stage pipelining, support for all RV32I instruction set along with resolving the Pipeline Hazards using Register
    Forwarding for RAW hazards and Branch redirect for Control Hazards.
  • Makerchip's Incredible platform allows simple access to the core and any modifications can be done without affecting the rest of the core.
    The Visual debug tool invented by Redwood EDA provides a very clean and thourough visualization of the core, and it can be used to debug any errors your CPU core may have.
  • This core was succesfully run on a virtual FPGA server powered by Redwood EDA. The board used was the Zynq Processor which consists of ARM-Cortex CPU and Artix-7 FPGA. It was compiled using the PYNQ framework by Xilinx.

If you want to view my project, you can visit the Makerchip IDE platform. Make sure to clone my core(RV32Icore.tlv file) onto the Makerchip IDE and then you can run it.

For Visual Debug option, make sure you specify the final pipeline stage for your cpu.

Important : It's advised to silence all the warnings for unassigned signals to prevent any Viz errors. You can observe this in the code- BOGUS_USE(//YOUR SIGNALS HERE)