- 0
How to have Segmentation (and other) presets from the scene carry over to data imported through SlicerRT?
#253 opened by achiravu-ARE - 4
- 0
Fix DRR module
#250 opened by cpinter - 1
- 4
- 13
SlicerRT Slicer extension is not working on mac
#242 opened by fedorov - 0
Fix Vff file loading with latest scanners
#241 opened by cpinter - 4
Resolving SlicerRT Module Issues
#239 opened by mshlzhrn - 11
TROTS dataset
#237 opened by ferdymercury - 1
- 41
- 2
Set required DICOM reference between dose and CT
#233 opened by cpinter - 2
- 2
- 0
- 9
- 6
- 2
Compilation error in plastimatch because of redefinition of DirectionType
#219 opened by MichaelColonel - 2
- 6
Hollowed DICOM RT-structures are not supported
#171 opened by brianmanderson - 3
- 9
Only Export SumDose-File?
#181 opened by Kiragroh - 6
- 1
- 6
slicer RT make radiotherapy plan
#209 opened by zhuyingying1234 - 0
Update ExternalBeamPlanning module to use markup ROI instead of annotation ROI
#216 opened by lassoan - 4
- 0
Plastimatch failing to build with Cxx17
#212 opened by Sunderlandkyl - 3
Linux SlicerRT (Plastimatch) build is failed after Slicer ITK 5.3 update
#206 opened by MichaelColonel - 8
Can't export segmentation as Dicom RTStruct
#184 opened by Namng1210 - 1
Plastimatch build fails
#198 opened by cpinter - 1
vtkCollisionDetectionFilter out of sync with VTK
#195 opened by ferdymercury - 0
- 0
More robust item discovery for export
#185 opened by cpinter - 5
- 2
Integrate changes to Plastimatch
#167 opened by cpinter - 1
Installing SlicerRT makes Qt Designer crash
#175 opened by lassoan - 3
Improve RTSTRUCT end-capping
#178 opened by lassoan - 4
- 0
- 5
- 2
Modules not showing up after fresh install
#159 opened by z-samuels - 2
Cannot load RT Plan (brachytherapy)
#158 opened by ferdymercury - 1
- 6
RT plan loading issues
#145 opened by cpinter - 5
- 2
Remove dependency from deprecated Slicer core modules
#142 opened by lassoan - 0
Follow Slicer code modernization
#139 opened by cpinter - 2
Way to preview current slice file name?
#138 opened by matthewdeancooper - 2
RTStruct Export Missing Segments
#137 opened by Sunderlandkyl