A database of paths that represent the mechanism of action from a drug to a disease in an indication.
Jupyter NotebookCC0-1.0
- abhik1368KatanaGraph
- andrewsuScripps Research
- caufieldjhLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- cthoyt@northeastern
- Data-junkie-econs
- dhimmel@related-sciences
- dimmuUCL/NIMR/a few others
- drychkovUCSF
- francisglee@Peptilogics
- GitHub30Osaka, Japan
- hammer
- JeffCarpenterCanada
- K-Hegli
- laurendelong21University of Edinburgh School of Informatics
- lubianatUniversity of São Paulo
- MahShaabanThe Institute of Cancer Research
- micheldumontierMaastricht University
- MrqeoqqtUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
- nhpackardProtoLife
- nicholsnAltos Labs
- nickfnblum@NICK-FN-BLUM
- odnodnDE
- paularstrpoIcahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
- ravwojdyla
- sanyabtUniversity of Pittsburgh
- sawsimeon
- sdhutchins@uab-cgds-worthey, @datasnakes
- sgbaird@AccelerationConsortium (UoT) @sparks-baird (UoU)
- shiva1387Singapore
- ShuhangFan1314Genscript
- silviaosiac
- Snowarker
- superkeyor
- tuh8888
- whiteadUniversity of Rochester//FutureHouse
- YojanaGadiyaFraunhofer ITMP | Enveda Biosciences