
2048 game with different player strategies: Greedy, Min-Max, prouning minmax, expectimax, improved greedy

Primary LanguagePython

IntroToAI-2048game hw2 in Technion course intro to AI spring21

the 2048 game with a few game strategies

2 players, move and index. Move for achieving hieghest score Index for sabotaging the Move

move_players = 'GreedyMovePlayer' 'ImprovedGreedyMovePlayer' 'MiniMaxMovePlayer' 'ABMovePlayer' 'ExpectimaxMovePlayer' 'ContestMovePlayer'

index_players = 'RandomIndexPlayer' 'MiniMaxIndexPlayer' 'ExpectimaxIndexPlayer'

run the game without players: $ git branch -M main

with players: $ python main.py -player1 [move name] -player2 [index name] -move_time [time for making a move]

example: $ python main.py -player1 MiniMaxMovePlayer -player2 MiniMaxIndexPlayer -move_time 5

simulation statistics : for running multiple games and get score statistics

$ python simulation_statistics.py

graph simulation : creating a graph from the statistics

$ python grapth_sim.py