
Report summary statistics relating to quality of bam files with Nextflow

Primary LanguageNextflowGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


🔧 This pipeline is currently under development 🔧


A flexible pipeline for reporting summary statistics relating to quality of bam files. bamQC-nf is a Nextflow (DSL2) pipeline that runs the following tools using Singularity containers:

  • Samtools stats: detailed summary statistics for bam files (default)
  • Mosdepth: fast bam depth calculations (default)
  • Sambamba flagstats: high-level summary statistics for bam files (optional)
  • Qualimap bamqc: quality evaluation of bam files (optional)
  • MultiQC: cohort-level summary report of pipeline outputs (currently under development)


User guide

Quickstart guide

1. Set up

Clone this repository by running:

git clone https://github.com/Sydney-Informatics-Hub/bamQC-nf.git
cd bamQC-nf

2. Create cohort file

Create a tab-delimited file listing all samples to be processed and their corresponding bam and bai files. The cohort file can be named whatever you like. This file must have one row per unique sample, matching the format:

sampleID bam bai
sample1 /path/to/sample1.bam /path/to/sample1.bam.bai
sample2 /path/to/sample2.bam /path/to/sample2.bam.bai
sample3 /path/to/sample3.bam /path/to/sample3.bam.bai
sample4 /path/to/sample4.bam /path/to/sample4.bam.bai
sample5 /path/to/sample5.bam /path/to/sample5.bam.bai
sample6 /path/to/sample6.bam /path/to/sample6.bam.bai

3. Run the pipeline

To run the default pipeline with Samtools stats and mosdepth, run the following command:

nextflow run main.nf --cohort <samples.tsv> --cpus <number of CPUs>

Or run the following script after filling out the required input variables:

bash run_bamqc.sh

For improved flexibility and speed, users can specify which tools to run in addition to and instead of default options. For example, to run the pipeline with Samtools flagstat instead of Samtools stats, run the following:

nextflow run main.nf --cohort <samples.tsv> --cpus <number of CPUs> --flagstat

While some parameters have default values in the workflow, you can adjust any of them in running your command. See the nextflow.config file to adjust the defaults, or add the following flags to your run command:

  • --flagstat: This runs sambamba flagstat instead of Samtools stats, for a faster runtime and less verbose metrics.
  • --qualimap: This runs Qualimap's bamqc tool in addition to default tools. When coupled with flagstat will run Sambamba flagstat, Mosdepth, and Qualimap bamqc
  • --outDir: This directory contains outputs for all samples processed with this pipeline. Currently set to ./bamQC_results
  • --runReports: This directory contains all runtime summaries including resource usage and timelines. Currently set to ./bamQC_runInfo

Once the workflow has completed its run you can clean up the working files Nextflow produces by running:

bash cleanup.sh

Infrastructure usage and recommendations

Coming soon!


6 human samples (~x30 coverage) at Pawsey Nimbus cloud

task_id hash native_id name status exit submit duration realtime %cpu peak_rss peak_vmem rchar wchar
1 db/1e5cbb 199553 checkInputs (1) CACHED 0 2022-08-29 03:57:13.578 149ms 6ms 40.6% 0 0 148.6 KB 702 B
4 9a/ea46d5 646424 sambambaFlag (2) COMPLETED 0 2022-08-29 09:37:17.128 6h 2m 14s 6h 2m 12s 7.3% 15.2 MB 1.2 GB 80.2 GB 3.3 MB
11 fd/d3f29b 646417 sambambaFlag (5) COMPLETED 0 2022-08-29 09:37:17.117 6h 17m 11s 6h 17m 10s 7.2% 16.6 MB 1.2 GB 85.4 GB 3.2 MB
10 f1/674e79 646443 mosdepth (5) COMPLETED 0 2022-08-29 09:37:17.163 6h 17m 13s 6h 17m 10s 4.8% 2.9 MB 11 MB 85.5 GB 660.4 KB
9 b6/b99706 646432 sambambaFlag (4) COMPLETED 0 2022-08-29 09:37:17.138 6h 59m 26s 6h 59m 25s 6.9% 16.4 MB 1.2 GB 96 GB 3.2 MB
6 32/6c1eac 972781 sambambaFlag (3) COMPLETED 0 2022-08-29 15:54:28.418 2h 15m 39s 2h 15m 37s 19.9% 15.3 MB 1.2 GB 85.2 GB 3.5 MB
2 25/43ea4d 972966 sambambaFlag (1) COMPLETED 0 2022-08-29 15:54:29.868 2h 25m 24s 2h 25m 24s 20.7% 15.8 MB 1.2 GB 100.6 GB 3.7 MB
3 47/dd625b 1018279 mosdepth (1) COMPLETED 0 2022-08-29 16:36:43.625 1h 43m 12s 1h 43m 10s 18.7% 1.9 GB 3.1 GB 100.6 GB 854.8 KB
12 b4/3bc60d 958509 mosdepth (6) COMPLETED 0 2022-08-29 15:39:31.941 2h 53m 28s 2h 53m 25s 11.4% 2.8 MB 11 MB 103.1 GB 866.6 KB
7 19/794c1a 1134653 mosdepth (3) COMPLETED 0 2022-08-29 18:33:00.304 2h 8m 59s 2h 8m 58s 13.3% 2.8 GB 4.1 GB 85.3 GB 823.6 KB
5 d6/765991 1112947 mosdepth (2) COMPLETED 0 2022-08-29 18:19:55.913 2h 25m 27s 2h 25m 25s 11.3% 2.8 GB 4.1 GB 80.2 GB 728.6 KB
13 70/76bcbc 1099179 sambambaFlag (6) COMPLETED 0 2022-08-29 18:10:07.355 2h 43m 13s 2h 43m 12s 18.9% 15 MB 1.2 GB 103.1 GB 3.6 MB
8 71/3713ea 1112762 mosdepth (4) COMPLETED 0 2022-08-29 18:19:54.498 2h 38m 30s 2h 38m 29s 11.4% 1.9 GB 3.1 GB 96.1 GB 784.2 KB

Workflow summaries


metadata field workflow_name / workflow_version
Version 1.0
Maturity under development
Creators Georgie Samaha, Cali Willet
Source NA
License GPL-3.0 license
Workflow manager Nextflow
Container None
Install method Manual
GitHub Sydney-Informatics-Hub/bamQC-nf
bio.tools NA
BioContainers NA
bioconda NA

Component tools


Reqired (minimum) inputs/parameters

  • indexed bam files
  • cohort file listing all samples to be processed. Columns are sampleID, bam, bai (tab-delimited text format)




  • Georgie Samaha (Sydney Informatics Hub, University of Sydney)
  • Cali Willet (Sydney Informatics Hub, University of Sydney)


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Acknowledgements (and co-authorship, where appropriate) are an important way for us to demonstrate the value we bring to your research. Your research outcomes are vital for ongoing funding of the Sydney Informatics Hub and national compute facilities. We suggest including the following acknowledgement in any publications that follow from this work:

The authors acknowledge the technical assistance provided by the Sydney Informatics Hub, a Core Research Facility of the University of Sydney and the Australian BioCommons which is enabled by NCRIS via Bioplatforms Australia.