- 0
Input to AFP module
#27 opened by Sparsh913 - 0
- 0
Setting cross_attn_{i+1}_d{1} but not cross_attn_{i+1}_d{j} on purpose or typo in
#25 opened by yuliangguo - 6
Internal Discretization Figure
#6 opened by baolinv - 5
- 3
I want to visualize your results, but you don't seem to use in your code, where should I use them
#10 opened by kantai12138 - 1
_IncompatibleKeys failure loading weights.
#23 opened by samraul - 6
- 1
Evaluating on KITTI Improved Ground Truth
#21 opened by alelopes - 2
- 2
Question about outdoor zeroshot datasets
#20 opened by mathjihun - 3
- 2
Question about Diode indoor dataset
#18 opened by mathjihun - 0
Surface Normal Estimation procedure
#19 opened by Coderbitxh - 4
Cannot import 'MultiScaleDeformableAttention'
#15 opened by juch001 - 0
How to test the depth of a picture
#14 opened by fanshixiong - 1
The evaluation index of the prediction result of the table plane normal vector estimation is printed incorrectly
#13 opened by kantai12138 - 0
I want to verify your nyunormal results, but the results I ran out were different from yours, and I wanted to know what went wrong and how to run your results
#12 opened by kantai12138 - 1
- 2
Question : How is GT-Based Depth Rescaling for Diode Indoor Dataset performed ?
#9 opened by agneet42 - 2
Saved depth seems wrong
#8 opened by cnut1648 - 3
- 1
NYU dataset normal annotation missing
#5 opened by Championchess - 3
what time public code?
#1 opened by chenyonx - 1
Prediction Size vs Input Size
#3 opened by TouqeerAhmad - 1
Visual Comparison b/w Different Networks
#2 opened by TouqeerAhmad