A module with convenience functions for writing Python code that interacts with OMERO.
- 3
[BUG] Pages outdated
#117 opened by TorecLuik - 15
[BUG] ZARR upload not working
#109 opened by jo-mueller - 1
- 2
- 2
- 0
[FEATURE] Better version pinning
#103 opened by erickmartins - 21
[BUG] ezomero for importing error by using omero-user-token for omero connection
#100 opened by tymiao1220 - 1
ezimport doesn't support OME-NGFF
#97 opened by will-moore - 3
- 1
[FEATURE] Create orphaned `FileAnnotations`
#89 opened by erickmartins - 13
- 0
[BUG] cleaning up datasets in case of security violation in `post_dataset`
#86 opened by erickmartins - 5
#66 opened by erickmartins - 1
Upper-bound numpy to <2.0
#83 opened by erickmartins - 1
[FEATURE] post_table by columns
#80 opened by juliomateoslangerak - 3
[FEATURE] Add description to ezimport
#74 opened by abhamacher - 4
[FEATURE] Getting Comment annotations
#77 opened by raymond301 - 2
using ezomero test infrastructure
#81 opened by juliomateoslangerak - 1
- 1
[FEATURE] Implement `fill_color`, `stroke_color` and `stroke_width` as `Shape` parameters
#65 opened by erickmartins - 2
omero-py version
#75 opened by will-moore - 1
Specifying range in get_image
#4 opened by juliomateoslangerak - 2
- 0
[FEATURE] Verbose option for ezomero.connect
#67 opened by mellertd - 1
- 4
[BUG] TypeError for Shapes with no FillColor
#63 opened by JensWendt - 4
Adding a post_table
#16 opened by juliomateoslangerak - 0
- 2
- 1
Fix docstring for `ezomero.ezimport`
#53 opened by erickmartins - 6
- 2
[FEATURE] Add optional `group` argument to `post_dataset` and `post_image`
#48 opened by erickmartins - 2
[FEATURE] post_image reorder axis
#29 opened by romainGuiet - 0
[FEATURE] JSON API functionality
#31 opened by erickmartins - 0
[FEATURE] Add ability to handle pyramid levels
#35 opened by mellertd - 1
Tests needed for linking functions
#39 opened by mellertd - 1
[FEATURE] Improved error messages
#38 opened by mellertd - 0
- 1
- 0
Create a more full featured get_image_ids
#2 opened by mellertd - 3
[FEATURE] Getting Tag annotations
#30 opened by romainGuiet - 5
Document design principles
#11 opened by mellertd - 1
Split up ``
#22 opened by erickmartins - 2
Creating file annotations / attachments
#21 opened by abhamacher - 2
across_groups flag being ignored
#19 opened by mellertd - 2
Handle non-existing/inaccessible objects
#7 opened by erickmartins - 1
Create html version of documentation
#12 opened by mellertd - 6
- 8
Create an "ezconnect" function
#3 opened by mellertd