The seq library is a collection of original C++14 STL-like containers and related tools
- alexesDevnonono
- apmanol
- axjs
- chanokinApplied AGI
- CharlesJQuarra
- dabbertorres@myndshft
- Dax89OpenAzienda
- dubusster@IRFM
- FabioFracassiBerlin
- facontidavidePicknik
- freak82
- ftena
- gdshuklaCapgemini
- ianahao
- Janos95
- jwezorekBluebeam
- kritzikratzihep
- luketokheim
- mark-99
- mrluanmaShanghai, China
- NaiosGermany
- narutojxlMidea CRC
- objectxMeguro-ku, Tokyo
- Philippe91
- qpc001
- rbrugo
- roalzItaly
- sakra"grep".reverse(), Austria
- skaaeCopenhagen
- thepianoboy
- turolFinland
- v1otuscBaidu, Inc.
- vic4keyVN Open Source
- VokunGahrotLaasEPITA
- xzn
- zwliewSingapore