SimViz contains tools and resources for authoring and executing autonomous vehicle simulations on roadways and city scapes by using map import, scene creation, formatting of ground truth data, and creating spline based roads.
- 321bobo
- Chaleeshadow
- ChengHuang-CH
- czbming
- flavorfanchina
- forestsen
- ghostsun89Shanghai, China
- GitHub30Osaka, Japan
- jonyktan
- JT5DThe IMC Lab + Gallery
- karasusanUnity Technologies
- kazuki0824Panasonic Automotive
- lh509
- loverainstm
- ly3106BIT
- Mappingworld
- Maximellerbach@airacingtech
- mervo
- Mudkipboo
- nickupBaidu .lnc
- NoahMattV
- Richard-cpu2333
- scolbourne
- sibsutispds
- SRiversSeekNowAtlanta, GA
- StephanieMussiSingapore
- superlinger
- TerraUnityTerraUnity
- terryzhouke
- thatdevinGermany
- thomasbergersen
- whowatchoverwatch
- wjmwjm119
- xjsolid
- zacharysnewman
- Zoranner