
[Question] ModelSim reports an error regarding VHDL-2019 package

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If I try to run my Python script. Even though, I've set the env variable VUNIT_VHDL_STANDARD to 2008, ModelSim issues this error: \.venv\Lib\site-packages\vunit\vhdl\logging\src\location_pkg-body-2019p.vhd(12) (vcom-1136) Unknown identifier "call_path_vector_ptr".

I don't know how to exclude this 2019 pkg.

Not sure what's happening. Call path requires both VHDL 2019 and a simulator supporting call paths. Modelsim is not. Without any more information I can only recommend a clean compile and running with --log-level=debug. Then post the output here.

Actually, before I post the log, I wanted to just say that I also got an error regarding VendorCovApiPkg_Aldec:

C:\intelFPGA\23.1std\questa_fse\win64\vcom -quiet -modelsimini ".\vunit_out\modelsim\modelsim.ini" -2008 -work vunit_library ".\.venv\Lib\site-packages\vunit\vhdl\osvvm\VendorCovApiPkg_Aldec.vhd"

=== Command output: ===
** Error: .\.venv\Lib\site-packages\vunit\vhdl\osvvm\VendorCovApiPkg_Aldec.vhd(89): Function "VendorCovPointCreate" declared at line 52 has no body.

I think it has to do with the


Lines 172 to 173 in 315adae

if ((simulator_coverage_api != "rivierapro") and (bname == "VendorCovApiPkg_Aldec.vhd")) or (
(simulator_coverage_api == "rivierapro") and (bname == "VendorCovApiPkg.vhd")

I just replaced the empty body with the same definition of VendorCovApiPkg.vhd. With that I could fix the problem. I don't know why the aldec version is empty resp. even taken in first place.

After checking my, I finally found my error.
My VHDL files were located in ip folder, however, the directory that I passed on had + '/../', thus, it resulted to: ip_directory + '/../', which led to the inclusion of the .venv library as well. 😭
But thank you for your help. I think I close now the issue, as it was my fault.