
[Feature] Make `check_equal` a generic procedure

nselvara opened this issue · 5 comments

Hey there, I thought to make the testing even more powerful. I'd suggest to make check_equal a generic procedure in order to make it easier to define a new one for any other type.

Suggested code:

package example_pkg is
    procedure check_equal_generic
        generic (
            type type_t;
            function to_string(data: type_t) return string
        parameter (
            got: in type_t;
            expected: in type_t;
            msg: in string := check_result_tag;
            level: in log_level_t := null_log_level;
            path_offset: in natural := 1;
            line_num: in natural := 0;
            file_name: in string := ""

    type test_t is (st_1, st_2);
    procedure check_equal is new check_equal_generic generic map (type_t => test_t, to_string => to_string); -- to_string is implicitly defined
end package;

package body example_pkg is
    -- Overloaded generic check_equal procedures for custom checks
    procedure check_equal_generic
        generic (
            type type_t;
            function to_string(data: type_t) return string
        parameter (
            got: in type_t;
            expected: in type_t;
            msg: in string := check_result_tag;
            level: in log_level_t := null_log_level;
            path_offset: in natural := 1;
            line_num: in natural := 0;
            file_name: in string := ""
        constant checker: checker_t := default_checker;
        -- pragma translate_off
        if got = expected then
            if is_pass_visible(checker) then
                        "Equality check passed", msg,
                        "Got " & to_string(got) & "."
                    path_offset + 1, line_num, file_name
            end if;
                    "Equality check failed", msg,
                    "Got " & to_string(got) & ". " &
                    "Expected " & to_string(expected) & "."
                level, path_offset + 1, line_num, file_name
        end if;
end package body;

I think that would be interesting. Today we generate check equal subprograms for common types and we will continue to do that to support VHDL-93 and less mature VHDL-2008 implementation. However, generics could be a way of supporting custom types.

Ohh yeah the old version shit also exists 😫, my bad, sry.
For the argument sake, if there's time to implement also 2008 feature, I'd really appreciate that, as it would heavily reduce boilerplate code. However, I guess, maintaining 2 sets of the same function would be also pain in the ass and adds just more boilerplate code...

I don't think it would be much to maintain. It's more of a priority thing. If you want, you can give it a try. The "template" can be found in the script that generates the check equal subprograms we have today:

Oki doki, I give it a try.

A couple of questions though:

  • Running this will create check.vhd, right?
  • $xy_type: Is going to be replaced by the elements of combinations tuple?
  • From a maintainability perspective, should I let this stay as it is and rename the file to something like check_1993.vhd and the new one creates a new file called check_2008.vhd.

Checks for ufixed/sfixed types do already exist