
Feature Request: Support for adding .psl files to allow for Assertion Based Verification

vhdlp opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi everybody,

I've been using VUnit for a few years now. It is a really good tool especially due to the simulator independence. However, it would be really good if one could add not only pure RTL source files, but also e.g. .psl files required for Assertion Based Verification. Sure, it is possible to add the PSL code directly within VHDL (and I already did that), but in a new project it is a requirement to store them separately.

At least in RivieraPro (in Questa it is the same I think) it is required to compile the source file and the corresponding .psl file within the same compilation run, i.e. the same vcom call, which requires that e.g. file.vhdl and file.psl are somehow grouped together. Currently I do not see any possibility to reach this using VUnit, at least as long as VUnit has control over the corresponding sources.

Do you see any possibility to add such a feature? So maybe adding associated files by adding source files like add_source_file(..., associated_files=[('psl', 'file.psl'), ...]).

Best regards

Some more info: I already tried to use set_compile_option() of the SourceFile object returned by add_source_file(...) and specify e.g. set_compile_option("rivierapro.vcom_flags", ["-psl", "file.psl"]), but unfortunately this does not work, because of wrong order of parameters passed to vcom.

This is one of several issues that basically points in the same direction. Fairly high on the priority list is to add a "compilation group" concept which basically is a list of source files compiled together