Deprecated : Use
- 1
Fatal error: cannot create 'R_TempDir'
#56 opened by carolineneof - 0
- 1
degust analysis- How long does it take?
#54 opened by mahdieh1370 - 0
- 3
problems uploading large csv files to website
#52 opened by avilella - 1
- 1
- 6
Duplicate instance declarations error
#9 opened by Bjoernsen - 2
R packaged limma not found
#10 opened by Bjoernsen - 1
Enhancement: download CSV static link
#39 opened by colindaven - 1
Enhancement: Keeping track of input files
#40 opened by AMChalkie - 1
- 1
- 3
csv import error on beta website
#47 opened by avilella - 8
problems uploading csv
#45 opened by avilella - 1
Error handling CSV with space after a comma.
#46 opened by drpowell - 0
Add methods description to ODF export
#44 opened by AMChalkie - 3
MDS is not a PCA nor SVD
#43 opened by amackey - 0
graphics - in the way of gene counts
#41 opened by AMChalkie - 8
- 1
Enhancement: QC: Find outliers
#36 opened by AMChalkie - 1
- 0
Enhancement: QC: sex genes
#37 opened by AMChalkie - 5
- 4
Bug ? Counts used as fold changes
#24 opened by colindaven - 1
Cannot view data from configuration window
#31 opened by JakeGoodall - 1
Hover on table to show in heatmap
#6 opened by drpowell - 2
Generate "print" quality diagrams
#8 opened by drpowell - 1
Feature request: export counts-per-million
#17 opened by colindaven - 2
- 1
Sort KEGG pathways by name
#26 opened by AMChalkie - 1
Export cpm in R table output
#29 opened by AMChalkie - 1
line limit?
#35 opened by macmanes - 0
Auto set width of "Genes" table columns?
#32 opened by tseemann - 1
- 0
Wishlist: Upload from .gct file
#28 opened by AMChalkie - 3
- 7
Request: Add sample weighting
#25 opened by AMChalkie - 1
Wishlist: package necessary css offline
#23 opened by AMChalkie - 3 fail with a type error on OSX
#22 opened by vixr - 0
Export .gmt
#21 opened by AMChalkie - 2
Need Help for Degust Tool
#20 opened by rahdayal - 1
Use KEGG GMT files from MolSigDB to automatically match gene/KEGG pathway relationships
#18 opened by AMChalkie - 1
Wrong file name 'r_functions.hs'
#16 opened by Bjoernsen - 1
- 2
Wishlist: Display average intensity in table
#12 opened by pfh - 0
Wishlist: Configurable axis labels and units
#13 opened by pfh - 2
Disable Heatmap clustering
#11 opened by Bjoernsen - 1
Configurable link from gene table
#5 opened by drpowell - 0
Embed parameters in URL
#7 opened by drpowell