
two bugs

fanjing8 opened this issue · 4 comments


"keypoints0": kpts0_origin.cpu().numpy(),
"keypoints1": kpts1_origin.cpu().numpy(),

这两行应该是 :
"keypoints0": kpts0.cpu().numpy(),
"keypoints1": kpts1.cpu().numpy(),

问题2: 缺少 matchers/ 文件


"keypoints0": kpts0_origin.cpu().numpy(),
"keypoints1": kpts1_origin.cpu().numpy(),

这两行应该是 :
"keypoints0": kpts0.cpu().numpy(),
"keypoints1": kpts1.cpu().numpy(),
问题2: 缺少 matchers/ 文件

针对问题2:match_dense.py里面 dedode_sparse 用的是 extractors/


"keypoints0": kpts0_origin.cpu().numpy(),
"keypoints1": kpts1_origin.cpu().numpy(),

这两行应该是 :
"keypoints0": kpts0.cpu().numpy(),
"keypoints1": kpts1.cpu().numpy(),
问题2: 缺少 matchers/ 文件

  1. Not a bug, please try again and check the visualization. The naming of keypoints may lead to ambiguity. These keypoints are used in the subsequent visualization stage, where they are plotted on the original image. Therefore, resizing the points is necessary. There are no abnormalities in this process.
  2. Key dedode_sparse is not used, so there is no matchers/ I will delete the key.

If there are no other issues, please close the question.


"keypoints0": kpts0_origin.cpu().numpy(),
"keypoints1": kpts1_origin.cpu().numpy(),

这两行应该是 :
"keypoints0": kpts0.cpu().numpy(),
"keypoints1": kpts1.cpu().numpy(),
问题2: 缺少 matchers/ 文件

  1. Not a bug, please try again and check the visualization. The naming of keypoints may lead to ambiguity. These keypoints are used in the subsequent visualization stage, where they are plotted on the original image. Therefore, resizing the points is necessary. There are no abnormalities in this process.
  2. Key dedode_sparse is not used, so there is no matchers/ I will delete the key.

If there are no other issues, please close the question.



I appreciate your insight. To address potential ambiguity, I've enacted some modifications in the subsequent commit:


Some Notes:

- Image Detected KeyPoints Matched KeyPoints
wo. scale image0 keypoints0 mkeypoints0
w. scale (view in UI) image0_orig keypoints0 _orig mkeypoints0_orig