Simple and chip program for control robotic arm.
Just run GRBL_Arm_Control_Panel/WpfApp2/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/WpfApp1.exe
First of all u need connect arm too computer. After choose your COM and badrete. When u successfully connect to board, u can use any console comand what u want.
For test connection use command:
Board send request with ver. and other info about GRBL...
X Axis: F1 - increment F2 - decrement
Z Axis: F3 - increment F4 - decrement
Y Axis: F5 - increment F6 - decrement
Spindel PWM: PageUp - increment PageDown - decrement
Set zero by all axis: Home - set
Joystic control not need any configuration. Program use DirectX.
My test arm asembling from uStepper robot arm Parts print in 3d-printer.
My test arm using GRBL software.
Electronic asembling with: Arduino UNO, CNC Shield and A4988 driver.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.