
Errors when lanching the psm ($ roslaunch dvrk_gazebo psm_gazebo.launch)

baotruyenthach opened this issue · 1 comments


I had these errors when launching the psm ($ roslaunch dvrk_gazebo psm_gazebo.launch):

Err] [Joint.cc:1328] There was an error in JointAxis::ResolveXyz
[Err] [Joint.cc:1334] There is no optimal fallback since the expressed_in[psm1::model] and _resolveTo[] parameters do not match. Falling back to using the raw axis xyz value.
[Err] [Joint.cc:1328] There was an error in JointAxis::ResolveXyz
[Err] [Joint.cc:1334] There is no optimal fallback since the expressed_in[psm1::model] and _resolveTo[] parameters do not match. Falling back to using the raw axis xyz value.
[Err] [Joint.cc:1328] There was an error in JointAxis::ResolveXyz
[Err] [Joint.cc:1334] There is no optimal fallback since the expressed_in[psm1::model] and _resolveTo[] parameters do not match. Falling back to using the raw axis xyz value.
[Err] [Joint.cc:1328] There was an error in JointAxis::ResolveXyz
[Err] [Joint.cc:1334] There is no optimal fallback since the expressed_in[psm1::model] and _resolveTo[] parameters do not match. Falling back to using the raw axis xyz value.
[Err] [Joint.cc:1328] There was an error in JointAxis::ResolveXyz
[Err] [Joint.cc:1334] There is no optimal fallback since the expressed_in[psm1::model] and _resolveTo[] parameters do not match. Falling back to using the raw axis xyz value.
[Err] [Joint.cc:1328] There was an error in JointAxis::ResolveXyz
[Err] [Joint.cc:1334] There is no optimal fallback since the expressed_in[psm1::model] and _resolveTo[] parameters do not match. Falling back to using the raw axis xyz value.
[Err] [Joint.cc:1328] There was an error in JointAxis::ResolveXyz
[Err] [Joint.cc:1334] There is no optimal fallback since the expressed_in[psm1::model] and _resolveTo[] parameters do not match. Falling back to using the raw axis xyz value.
[Err] [Joint.cc:1328] There was an error in JointAxis::ResolveXyz
[Err] [Joint.cc:1334] There is no optimal fallback since the expressed_in[psm1::model] and _resolveTo[] parameters do not match. Falling back to using the raw axis xyz value.
[Err] [Joint.cc:1328] There was an error in JointAxis::ResolveXyz
[Err] [Joint.cc:1334] There is no optimal fallback since the expressed_in[psm1::model] and _resolveTo[] parameters do not match. Falling back to using the raw axis xyz value.
[Err] [Joint.cc:1328] There was an error in JointAxis::ResolveXyz
[Err] [Joint.cc:1334] There is no optimal fallback since the expressed_in[psm1::model] and _resolveTo[] parameters do not match. Falling back to using the raw axis xyz value.
[Err] [Joint.cc:1328] There was an error in JointAxis::ResolveXyz
[Err] [Joint.cc:1334] There is no optimal fallback since the expressed_in[psm1::model] and _resolveTo[] parameters do not match. Falling back to using the raw axis xyz value.
[Err] [Joint.cc:1328] There was an error in JointAxis::ResolveXyz
[Err] [Joint.cc:1334] There is no optimal fallback since the expressed_in[psm1::model] and _resolveTo[] parameters do not match. Falling back to using the raw axis xyz value.
[Err] [Joint.cc:1328] There was an error in JointAxis::ResolveXyz
[Err] [Joint.cc:1334] There is no optimal fallback since the expressed_in[psm1::model] and _resolveTo[] parameters do not match. Falling back to using the raw axis xyz value.
[Err] [Joint.cc:1328] There was an error in JointAxis::ResolveXyz
[Err] [Joint.cc:1334] There is no optimal fallback since the expressed_in[psm1::model] and _resolveTo[] parameters do not match. Falling back to using the raw axis xyz value.
[Dbg] [Link.cc:1714] we have a loop! cannot find nice subset of connected links, this link psm1::pitch_front_link connects back to parent psm1::yaw_link.
[urdf_spawner-3] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/baothach/.ros/log/3aeef0d8-f576-11ea-be6c-952a08d203cc/urdf_spawner-3*.log

As a result of this error, the simulation model behaved very strangely.

Could you please help me take a look at this error?
Thank you.

@ankur-agrawal @radianag Can you guys look into this