Code for Paper, MUTR3D: A Multi-camera Tracking Framework via 3D-to-2D Queries. https://tsinghua-mars-lab.github.io/mutr3d/
- 0
Bug in vis
#29 opened by tiktoktita - 0
batch size only support 1?
#28 opened by bryanlinnan - 2
ImportError: /data/lu.yuan1/pycharm_projects/MUTR3D/mmdetection3d/mmdet3d/ops/iou_loss/iou_loss_ext.cpython-37m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so: undefined symbol: _ZNK3c106IValue23reportToTensorTypeErrorEv
#27 opened by yuanl15 - 3
- 0
The shapes of lidar2img are different.
#25 opened by Wu-didi - 0
About the inference time
#26 opened by goahence - 0
ONNX and TensorRT support
#24 opened by dingli-dean - 4
MMDET==2.12.0 is used but incompatible.
#13 opened by xiao-pengyou - 0
- 3
Can't reproduce the result.
#14 opened by feifei-Liu - 4
error occurred and there's no results update after 40 epoch as shown in this command after eval
#7 opened by XuanjieXiao - 1
Why use additional one frame when training?
#21 opened by applezy8866 - 1
Is this command wrong?
#19 opened by applezy8866 - 1
Questions about sample_per_gpu
#17 opened by yesokyin - 0
what are the torch version suit mmcv
#22 opened by Lin3-cc - 1
AssertionError: assert unachieved_thresholds + duplicate_thresholds + len(thresh_metrics) == self.num_thresholds
#20 opened by applezy8866 - 1
How to Install with cuda11?
#18 opened by Qingfeng800 - 1
Test model on nuscenes-mini:
#16 opened by yesokyin - 2
Testing model on other Datasets
#11 opened by jahongir7174 - 30
Missing files
#3 opened by jianingwangind - 0
- 6
ERROR:ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mmdet3d.ops.iou_loss.iou_loss_ext'
#6 opened by XuanjieXiao - 8
Using torch.checkpoint
#8 opened by jianingwangind - 1
- 2
- 1
Error occur when training
#5 opened by shawrby - 6
Question about visualization
#2 opened by jianingwangind - 1
when will release code
#1 opened by drilistbox