- 6
Final assembly too small
#80 opened by NickJeff13 - 2
- 0
Unable to install DiscovarDenovo
#79 opened by soniabalyan - 0
- 2
Wengan error 1
#76 opened by lesimonson - 8
longreads error
#56 opened by josieparis - 0
Error 132 - linger
#75 opened by Hufflepuff1012 - 1
Leveraging ONT raw and PacBio raw
#74 opened by 000generic - 1
issues with non IUPAC bases
#70 opened by gargkritika - 1
unrecognized command 'iupac2bases'. Abort!
#71 opened by mergi-2674 - 1
#72 opened by bioramg - 3
SPolished.asm.wengan.fasta] Error 136
#73 opened by josemolina6 - 3
- 3
Problem running Wengan with singularity
#32 opened by brookshenry3 - 4
- 2
Using error corrected long reads
#66 opened by rjg2186 - 1
Unhandled kmer size
#69 opened by ebarta - 1
Is adapter filtering needed?
#68 opened by andreaswallberg - 3
asm1.minia.41.contigs.fa] Error 127
#64 opened by bio-informatician - 2
"--clib" flag error in intervalmiss
#65 opened by tim-oconnor - 3
#63 opened by botellaflotante - 5
- 1
Setting new tmp directory for intermediate files
#62 opened by jblandis - 4
Error 139
#61 opened by JIBINJOHNV - 1
HiFi/short-read hybrid assembly
#60 opened by bishopia - 8
Incredibly small assembly
#54 opened by wbrewer5 - 2
WENGAN performance!!
#55 opened by Hai1983 - 4
short read assembly commands
#57 opened by JacobSnelling - 5
- 1
Assembly methods
#58 opened by OZTaekOppa - 1
- 2
liger maxpos Assertion error
#49 opened by alexweisberg - 3
- 4
core dump when using docker
#51 opened by yipukangda - 6
- 2
Not in gzip format
#52 opened by shaobinzhong - 2
short read assembly only
#48 opened by carollia - 3
- 2
A liger error was reproted, need help!
#45 opened by bioinformaticspcj - 3
- 1
- 2
Could you give some advice for assembly a 2G sized genome with 60X Pacbio and 60 X illumina data?
#35 opened by bioinformaticspcj - 4
- 5
Does it run on computer cluster and how to continue running unfinished tasks?
#39 opened by Hans-zhao831 - 1
How to combine mate-pair reads?
#41 opened by minky - 3
core dumped at liger step
#37 opened by minky - 3
How to set up -g parameter ?
#36 opened by ShaolinXU - 2
- 2
ERROR: read file don't exist or have 0 size
#34 opened by brookshenry3 - 1
#31 opened by flystar233