- 1
au.csiro.aehrc.third.hail-is issue
#239 opened by ChristinaXu2017 - 2
Clustering sample
#165 opened by TaniaCuppens - 1
Fix the readme links and video
#236 opened by rocreguant - 1
Error when loading json model
#170 opened by BMJHayward - 0
Make VS hail independent for the python API
#237 opened by rocreguant - 1
Decouple Training and Association
#148 opened by ArashBayatDev - 1
RandomForest Model Java <-> JSON
#149 opened by ArashBayatDev - 1
RandomForest Model Java <-> R
#150 opened by ArashBayatDev - 1
Variable training parameter
#154 opened by ArashBayatDev - 1
Variable mTry at each node
#155 opened by ArashBayatDev - 1
- 1
Visualize Trees
#160 opened by ArashBayatDev - 2
num Case/Control in JSON model file
#161 opened by ArashBayatDev - 0
Align code style checks with IntelJ fomatting
#185 opened by piotrszul - 0
Make pull request to hail with jar config changes.
#187 opened by piotrszul - 1
Grid Search for Parameter Optimisation
#197 opened by lm-fsng - 1
Install on our supercomputer throws ```java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Inconsistent constant pool data in classfile for class au/csiro/pbdava/ssparkle/spark/SparkApp. Method 'java.lang.String $anonfun$spark$1(au.csiro.pbdava.ssparkle.spark.SparkApp)' at index 118 is CONSTANT_MethodRef and should be CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodRef```
#231 opened by surak - 0
Add instruction on how to use VariantSpark available on AWS Marketplace
#158 opened by ArashBayatDev - 0
add p-value calculation to HAIL implementation
#198 opened by natwine - 1
- 1
- 2
- 0
Reporting a vulnerability
#230 opened by igibek - 0
Report Training process in Hail interface
#152 opened by ArashBayatDev - 1
run on single chromosomes?
#224 opened by sshanshans - 9
#217 opened by cmorris2945 - 4
How to use vcf file?
#216 opened by cmorris2945 - 1
Migrate to Spark 3.1
#200 opened by piotrszul - 0
Integrate python build with maven and revise deployment with github actions.
#214 opened by piotrszul - 0
automate pvalue calculation in VariantSpark pipeline
#201 opened by natwine - 3
Make the covariate calculation part of RF
#193 opened by BauerLab - 1
optimise VariantSpark for large sample size (n>50K)
#204 opened by natwine - 0
Add split variable count to hail output
#205 opened by piotrszul - 0
Add variable count extraction from json model
#199 opened by piotrszul - 1
Update the Cloud Marketplace example Notebooks to include logistic regression covariates
#192 opened by BauerLab - 1
Improve release and versioning
#194 opened by piotrszul - 1
Additional support for prediction
#191 opened by piotrszul - 0
- 0
Migrate CI to Github Actions
#183 opened by piotrszul - 0
- 0
Trim the documentation
#178 opened by piotrszul - 0
Fix hail package documentation at read the docs.
#176 opened by piotrszul - 0
Update/write python docs for hail interface
#173 opened by piotrszul - 0
Update documentation and examples for 0.3 release.
#171 opened by piotrszul - 1
uncalled genotype issue
#164 opened by ArashBayatDev - 0
Separate training command
#168 opened by BMJHayward - 0
Metadata in model files
#153 opened by ArashBayatDev - 0
Merge Multiple RandomForest Model Files
#151 opened by ArashBayatDev - 0
- 0
Fix compiler warnings including deprecation
#146 opened by piotrszul