This is an RTS-like game written in Python 3 with arcade library. This is my most ambitious project up to date, since I try to overcome Python's shortcomings and make as efficiently-running game as possible. It will cover pathfinding, UI, AI, and graphics, using relatively slow and inefficient language. Main goal is to make it running sufficiently fast for p1layers to be able to actually play the game without pain. I do not have any good idea for the name of the game, so, for now it is just an RTS.
- albertww
- cbiebersteinCalgary, AB Canada
- csalinasonlineUnited States
- DunaCoder
- ElgrositoFlorida Buenos Aires
- erlend-shWeird inc.
- filzd
- henryhamon@bplus-tecnologia
- HomeworldLBIT
- ironkayman🚬🗿
- LordUbuntuThe League of Space Capitalists
- naturalcaduceusUCAS
- SocxenophoneMars
- tibor-vavra
- TomiToivioHelsinki University
- vpereiraBWI GmbH
- willywil
- ybz21SDU
- yorickvanb