anfederico's Following
- 7flashTelegram @galaxygur
- adamlabadorf
- andhamel
- anopara
- anuraghazra@razorpay
- Ashastry2Boston University
- bchiang7@Upstatement
- brownmpBroad Institute of MIT and Harvard
- casperdclLondon, UK
- coolbutuselessAustralia
- dakota-hawkinsBoston, Massachusetts
- dbaderChief Python Nut at
- GuangchuangYuSouthern Medical University
- gurinovichNovartis Institutes for BioMedical Research
- hadley@posit-pbc
- hrbrmstrGreyNoise Intelligence
- jgoldfordDayhoff Labs
- jmstrampeBoston University
- jokergooGerman Cancer Research Center
- joshua-d-campbellBoston University School of Medicine
- jturcinoUTMB Health
- kraefrei
- kubowania
- LiNk-NY@waldronlab @Bioconductor @tempuslabs
- lkroeh
- lmccart
- melosbor
- michaelsilversteinBoston University
- miguelgrinbergElastic
- mikeloveUNC-Chapel Hill
- olgabot@seanome
- schifferlNew York, NY
- tgrimes
- thomasp85@posit-pbc, part of @tidyverse team
- timbl@inrupt
- trallard@Quansight-Labs