
Add templated to subfolders

eliocamp opened this issue · 2 comments

Inspired by these awesome slides by Danielle Navarro, I was thinking that adding at least bare-bones files to subfolders might nudge people in the right direction.


Specifically, I was thinking on the analysis folder and all its subfolders. For example, the data folder could have an explanation of what is in raw_data and derived_data.

Thank you for that very interesting suggestion! What could be good text to put in these readme? Some text that is very short, just a few sentences, that would suit a variety of different users would be ideal, I think. Would you like to draft the text of these in a post to this issue thread so we can discuss and revise further?

I think It could intertwine with issue #86.

If we decide on a more structured analysis we would automatically know how to guide people better by creating README or MAN pages or any other form of support for the analysis.

As I see it right now there is a gap between the paper writing process - which rrtools handles well, and the analysis process - which we assume the user of the package should do themselves and level them to it. In my opinion, we should assist in this initial step a bit more...