
epic2-bw KeyError: 'required_flag' , doesn't appear in arg parser

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Hi, I'm trying to run the following epic2-bw command and am getting a KeyError: 'required_flag'.
`epic2-bw --treatment TREATMENT --control CONTROL --genome GENOME --bin-size 100 --guess-bampe --log2fc-bigwig LOG2FC-BIGWIG-FILE

Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".../bin/epic2-bw", line 192, in
File ".../lib/python3.7/site-packages/epic2/", line 113, in main
treatment_ranges = files_to_coverage(args["treatment"], args)
File ".../lib/python3.7/site-packages/epic2/", line 75, in files_to_coverage
ranges = file_to_ranges(f, args, "ChIP")
File ".../lib/python3.7/site-packages/epic2/", line 44, in file_to_binned_ranges
bin_counts, _ = files_to_bin_counts([f], args, datatype)
File "epic2/src/reads_to_bins.pyx", line 218, in epic2.src.reads_to_bins.files_to_bin_counts
File "epic2/src/reads_to_bins.pyx", line 250, in epic2.src.reads_to_bins.files_to_bin_counts
KeyError: 'required_flag'`

I noticed that:

  1. the --required-flag flag doesn't exist in the epic2-bw usage:
    usage: epic2-bw [-h] --treatment TREATMENT [TREATMENT ...] [--control CONTROL [CONTROL ...]] [--raw] [--bigwig BIGWIG] [--individual-log2fc-bigwigs INDIVIDUAL_LOG2FC_BIGWIGS] [--chip-bigwig CHIP_BIGWIG] [--input-bigwig INPUT_BIGWIG] [--log2fc-bigwig LOG2FC_BIGWIG] [--genome GENOME] [--keep-duplicates] [--bin-size BIN_SIZE] [--fragment-size FRAGMENT_SIZE] [--chromsizes CHROMSIZES] [--guess-bampe] [--mapq MAPQ] [--example] [--version]

  2. In ".../bin/epic2-bw" there is no "--required-flag" arg in the arg parser.

I'd be very grateful to hear from you on how to run the above command so that it passes this indexing:
cpp_tags = read_bampe(f, drop_duplicates, args["mapq"], args["required_flag"], args["filter_flag"])

Many thanks!

Happy to.
Im getting - remote: Permission to biocore-ntnu/epic2.git denied to a-lahat.
Could you help with the permission and I'll push the PR?