
URDF model is invisible

gtrinidad opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, I am trying yo integrate pybullet into a cognitive architecture called CORTEX.
I have a working python script where I can import my URDF file (an open manipulator pro) and move it around.
The issue is that when I try to replicate this inside CORTEX, the robot model does not show, and pybullet presents no error whatsoever. I can however get the robot joints and "move them".

I know it just means something inside CORTEX is conflicting with pybullet, but maybe this is a known behavior and you can point me in the right direction as how to fix it. Is there a way to increase the debug level on pybullet?

Thanks in advance

I was able to fix it. It was an issue with the language encoding, changing it by using:
export LC_NUMERIC="en_US.UTF-8"
was the solution.

It has to do with whether you use '.' or ',' as the foat point separator