CGAT-ruffus is a lightweight python module for running computational pipelines
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Ruffus installation error (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'task')
#128 opened by Aditya-Gautam20 - 4
Test suite consumes an extraordinary amount of memory
#104 opened by tillea - 0
Patch to build with sphinx 4.2
#127 opened by tillea - 1
Memory hungry
#122 opened by santids - 0
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OMP: Info #270: omp_set_nested routine deprecated, please use omp_set_max_active_levels instead.
#121 opened by schultzm - 0
Relative paths in history
#119 opened by alexmemory - 0
Discovery of valid parameters for OO-syntax
#117 opened by FrithiofJensen - 3
Supplying extras as a dict
#55 opened by jrderuiter - 0
drmaa errors- resubmit/retry
#116 opened by cchng - 0
Missing tags for 2.8.2 and 2.8.3
#115 opened by scarabeusiv - 0
Output CWL/WDL for a workflow
#112 opened by AndreasHegerGenomics - 10
[architecture] Specify pipeline in task_decorator
#111 opened by shouldsee - 13
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Slurm requirements
#106 opened by radaniba - 1
Time stamps not updating on rerun tasks
#105 opened by IanSudbery - 0
ruffus 2.8.0 does not work with gevent >= 1.2
#101 opened by AndreasHeger - 1
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use asyncio to manager workers
#100 opened by AndreasHeger - 1
Make ruffus compatible with gevent Pool
#84 opened by AndreasHeger - 0
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reformat code to pep8
#87 opened by AndreasHeger - 6
Investigate if tests could be run in pytest
#86 opened by AndreasHeger - 1
can one iterate over files in a zip file?
#82 opened by chananshgong - 1
Install fails on Python 3.7
#90 opened by jbarlow83 - 0
Add testing for py35 and py36
#88 opened by AndreasHeger - 0
use travis build matrix for tests
#89 opened by AndreasHeger - 1
Unable to reuse pipeline names
#78 opened by rulai-huajunzeng - 2
OperationalError: database is locked
#63 opened by AHCChan - 0
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Do not run tasks with jobs_limit==1 in the multiprocessing.Pool when multiprocessing is enabled
#81 opened by Jerry-Ma - 0
Obsolete references to Google Code
#80 opened by jwilk - 0
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run task function with different parameter
#76 opened by Jerry-Ma - 1
ruffus cmdline and OO syntax
#73 opened by mbiokyle29 - 0
how to change default working dir?
#72 opened by swuecho - 0
Exception handling in
#71 opened by kemaleren - 1
Duplicate task name error when using Spyder IDE
#70 opened by msdayton - 8
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How to collate a mixed list of file
#68 opened by mbiokyle29 - 1
Argument parsing error messages are unhelpful
#66 opened by bunbun - 6
Possible enhancement: @zipper
#62 opened by mfalda - 3
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active_if appears not to be respected
#54 opened by srsridharan - 1
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Bug: @check_if_uptodate is ignored with @parallel
#53 opened by bunbun