
Hardware implementation of an OmniXtend Memory Endpoint/Lowest Point of Coherence.

Primary LanguageBluespecApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Issues Apache 2.0 License

OmniXtend Endpoint

Hardware implementation of an OmniXtend Memory Endpoint/Lowest Point of Coherence.

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About The Project

OmniXtend is a protocol to transmit TileLink messages over Ethernet. The aim of the protocol is to create large fully coherent systems.

This repository contains a fully synthesizeable version of an OmniXtend 1.0.3 compatible memory endpoint. The endpoint supports TL-UL, TL-UH and TL-C type commands. In addition, the endpoint supports a proposed OmniXtend 1.1 standard with additional features and quality-of-life changes.


  • AXI memory controllers (e.g., DDR 4/5, HBM).
  • Full Tilelink 1.8.0 feature set.
  • Variable length requests.
  • Multiple TileLink messages per Ethernet frame.
  • Written in Bluespec.
  • Compiles to Verilog, usable in most Hardware tool flows.

View the OmniXtend 1.0.3 Specification and the TileLink 1.8.0 Specification for more information.

This repository contains additional tools for simulation:

  • host_software/omnixtend-rs: OmniXtend library written in Rust implementing a requester.
  • host_software/omnixtend-tui: TUI application to interact with OmniXtend endpoints.
  • host_software/bitload: Load data onto an OmniXtend endpoint over Ethernet.
  • host_software/config: Read status registers and configure the endpoint over PCIe (For TaPaSCo designs only).

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Getting Started

Depending on your use case you need to install some tools. This section details the different methods.


  1. Bluespec Compiler: bsc
  2. BSVTools: Provides the build system used by this project.
  3. (Optional: For simulation) Rust: Rustup recommended for installation.
  4. (Optional: For Xilinx FPGA/IP-XACT): Vivado


  1. Clone this repository with submodules
git clone --recursive https://github.com/chipsalliance/OmnixtendEndpoint.git
  1. Setup BSVTools
cd OmnixtendEndpoint

Running Simulations

There are three types of simulations provided. The first runs simple tests of the endpoint using Bluespec with a Rust stimulus.

The second method uses Rust to open a raw socket. This method allows interaction with the endpoint similarly to one in hardware over Ethernet.

Both methods require compiled simulation libraries

cd rust_sim
cargo build --release

Internal Simulation


Socket Simulation

This method requires root access to create the raw sockets and the virtual Ethernet devices used to connect the endpoints/requesters.


By default, creates five virtual Ethernet devices and attaches the endpoint to veth0. Attach your user software to veth1-4. The endpoint listens on the MAC address assigned to veth0, by default 04:00:00:00:00:00.

The environment variable linkcount controls how many virtual Ethernet interfaces to create.

An example setup using host_software/omnixtend-tui is provided in utils/run_tui_tmux.sh. Before running this script, ensure that omnixtend-tui is compiled using:

pushd host_software/omnixtend-tui
cargo build --release
sudo ../../utils/set_raw_cap.sh target/release/omnixtend-tui

Example Video


Compiling to Verilog

make SIM_TYPE=VERILOG compile_top

This compiles the endpoint to Verilog files and places them in build/verilog and the top level is in mkOmnixtendEndpoint.v. This Verilog relies on primitives distributed with the Bluespec compiler.

Integrated BRAM

The default configuration expects an AXI attached memory for storage. For simulation purposes a version with an integrated BRAM can be used instead:

make SIM_TYPE=VERILOG BRAM_SIM=1 compile_top

The BRAM is initialized using the Verilog function $readmemh from the file memoryconfig.hex.

Creating IP-XACT packet

With Vivado installed:

make SIM_TYPE=VERILOG compile_top

The IP-XACT contains all dependencies (e.g., BSC primitives) and is located in build/ip.

Creating FPGA bitstream

The easiest way to create a bitstream for Xilinx based FPGA is using TaPaSCo. tapasco_job.json is an example TaPaSCo job file for the Alveo U280 platform. TaPaSCo supports many additional platforms like the NetFPGA SUME or Bittware XUP-VVH.

  1. Install TaPaSCo according to the readme. Either by manually compiling or using their generated distribution packages. Source the TaPaSCo initialization script and ensure that tapasco is in your path.
  2. Import an IP-XACT core. This example uses an OmniXtend 1.0.3 configuration from the releases section.
tapasco import releases/OmnixtendEndpoint_RES_15_RESTO_21_ACKTO_12_OX11_0_MAC_0_CON_8_MAXFRAME_1500_MAXTLFRAME_1_BRAMSIM_0.zip as 412 --skipEvaluation -p AU280
  1. Start bitstream generation using the job file.
tapasco --configFile tapasco_job.json

Depending on the target platform and available resources, the bitstream generation might take a while.

The generated bitstream contains one OmnixtendEndpoint connected to the default memory of the selected platform. PCIe exposes configuration and status registers. The tool host_software/config supports interacting with TaPaSCo generated bitstreams.


The endpoint supports several configuration options:

Name Use
BRAM_SIM Use embedded BRAM instead of external AXI memory.
OX_11_MODE Set to 1 to enable OmniXtend 1.1 features.
RESEND_SIZE Resend buffer size per connection. 2**RESEND_SIZE flits.
RESEND_TIMEOUT_CYCLES_LOG2 Force resend after 2**RESEND_TIMEOUT_CYCLES_LOG2 cycles without a valid packet.
ACK_TIMEOUT_CYCLES_LOG2 Send ACK only packet after 2**ACK_TIMEOUT_CYCLES_LOG2 cycles.
OMNIXTEND_CONNECTIONS Number of parallel connections.
MAXIMUM_PACKET_SIZE Maximum number of bytes in Ethernet packet. Set to 1500 for default.
MAXIMUM_TL_PER_FRAME Maximum number of TileLink messages per Ethernet packet generated by this IP. Between 1 and 64.
MAC_ADDR Default MAC address. Set as hexadecimal without any prefix, e.g., 040000000000.
SYNTH_MODULES Split out Bluespec modules into separate Verilog modules. Default creates a single Verilog file. Useful for some downstream tools that have a hard time processing the flattened design.


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be, learn, inspire, and create. We greatly appreciated any contributions you make.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

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Distributed under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE for more information.

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