
SYMBIFLOW-CLASSROOM Surelog/UHDM Doesn't Handle `default_nettype none

nelsobe opened this issue · 4 comments

The macro `default_nettype none is commonly used to cause compilers to throw an error when an undeclared net name is encountered since the tools cannot infer a new net of a given type with this macro in place. It catches many typo errors as a result.

Here is a sample design that should result in an error :

`default_nettype none
module test(input wire logic a, output logic outwire);
    assign outwre = ~a;

Both Vivado and the Yosys front end handle it correctly (they throw an error). The Surelog/UHDM front end happily generates a bitfile without error (but which doesn't work).

Here is the Yosys front end error, which is what one would expect:

7. Executing AST frontend in derive mode using pre-parsed AST for module `\test'.
Generating RTLIL representation for module `\test'.
/home/nelson/220-nelsobe/Labs/defaultnettype/ ERROR: Identifier `\outwre' is implicitly declared and `default_nettype is set to none.
make: *** [/home/nelson/f4pga-examples/common/ /home/nelson/220-nelsobe/Labs/defaultnettype/build/basys3/test.eblif] Error 1

Thanks for reporting this, chipsalliance/yosys-f4pga-plugins#301 should make the frontend error out in this case. I will let you know when the fix will be available through conda.

Using the following timestamp and hash, the issue still exists.
Timestamp: 20220606-234655
Hash: 1667c14

I've included a file that contains a list of the content/versions of the conda environment that we have.

This should be already fixed, please update the plugin to the newest version as described here to verify.

@nelsobe I have retested this bug with the latest install and can verify that it is fixed. This issue can be closed.