
Action for uploading CWL conformance badges

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


It is a custom Github Action for uploading CWL conformance badges to a specified repository.


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      - name: Run conformance tests
        id: run-conformance
        uses: common-workflow-lab/run-conformance-tests@v1
          cwlVersion: v1.0
          runner: your-runner
          timeout: 30
          skip-python-install: true

      - name: Save badges
        if: success() && github.event_name == 'push' # upload badges when this action is invoked by `push` event
        uses: common-workflow-lab/upload-conformance-badges@v1
          cwlVersion: v1.0
          runner-name: your-runner
          badgedir: ${{ steps.run-conformance.outputs.badgedir }}
          repository: ${{ github.repository_owner }}/conformance
          upload-default-branch: true
          ssh-key: ${{ secrets.CONFORMANCE_KEY }}

Input parameters

Parameters Required Default Description
cwlVersion true - target CWL version
runner-name true - name of CWL runner
badgedir true - full path to the directory that stores conformance badges
repository true - repository (in the form of owner/repo) to store badges
upload-default-branch false false whether uploading the result of HEAD in the default branch
upload-markdown-reports false false whether uploading the markdown reports in addition to the conformance badges
ssh-key true - ssh key to commit the repository specified in the repository field. See deploy keys for details

This action has no output parameters.