
DeepLab v3+ model in PyTorch supporting RGBD input

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


Differences to parent repository

  • Load RGB-D datasets Cityscapes, COCO, SUNRGBD, and SceneNetRGBD
  • Optional RGB-D network input using 4th channel in first convolutional layer
  • YACS configuration files


This is a PyTorch(1.4) implementation of DeepLab-V3-Plus. It can use Modified Aligned Xception and ResNet as backbone.


The code was tested with Anaconda and Python 3.8. After installing the Anaconda environment:

  1. Clone the repo:

    git clone https://github.com/jfzhang95/pytorch-deeplab-xception.git
    cd pytorch-deeplab-xception
  2. Install dependencies:

    For PyTorch dependency, see pytorch.org for more details.

    Other dependencies:

    conda install matplotlib pillow tqdm protobuf tabulate scipy numpy pandas
    pip install tensorboardX yacs

    Coco tools

    conda install -c conda-forge pycocotools scikit-image
  3. Install dataloader repo

    This is a seperate repo for use in different projects. For more details, see the repo README

    git clone https://github.com/crmauceri/dataset_loaders.git
    cd dataset_loaders/datasets
    cd ../..
    pip install -e .
  4. Compile CUDA code

    The depth-aware convolution and depth-aware average pooling operations are under folder modeling/backbone/ops/, to build them, simply use python setup.py install to compile.

    cd modeling/backbone/ops/depthconv/
    python setup.py install
    cd ../depthavgpooling/
    python setup.py install
    cd ../../../..
  5. Compile SceneNetRGBD protobuf files

    cd dataloaders/datasets
  6. Install as module:

    cd $root
    pip install -e .

Model Zoo

RGB Models

From parent repo,

Backbone Dataset mIoU in val Pretrained Model
ResNet (pretrained) Pascal VOC 2012 78.43% google drive

New models,

Backbone Dataset mIoU in val Pretrained Model
ResNet (pretrained) COCO google drive
ResNet COCO google drive

RGBD Models

Backbone Dataset mIoU in val Pretrained Model
ResNet COCO + Synthetic Depth google drive
ResNet Cityscapes google drive
ResNet SceneNetRGBD google drive


Follow steps below to train your model:

  1. Configuration files use YACS. Full list of defaults is in deeplab3/config/defaults.py. Configurations used to train model zoo are in configs/. You must set DATASET.ROOT to match your dataset location, otherwise, you can change as many or as few parameters as you desire.

  2. Run training script as To train deeplabv3+ using COCO dataset and ResNet as backbone:

    python deeplab3/train.py <config_file> <optional_parameter_overrides>

    For example, to train deeplabv3+ using SUNRGBD dataset and ResNet as backbone:

    python deeplab3/train.py configs/sunrgbd.yaml


Jupyter notebook COCO_Data_Browser.ipynb is provided for visualizing data and trained network results.

Tensorboard can also be used to visualize loss and accuracy metrics during training.

tensorboard serve --log=run/<output_path>



