- 1
`Summary Statistics` are not returned
#38 opened by bounlu - 0
`N` bases prevent classification of reads
#37 opened by bounlu - 50
xenome classify hangs
#9 opened by mjafin - 2
Installation Issue
#36 opened by SyeonJe - 1
Tag releases for stable versions
#12 opened by serverhorror - 3
xenome indexing hangs
#33 opened by ChristineMarie - 2
- 2
xenome ouput fastq.gz format
#31 opened by wenkui123 - 1
installation issue
#22 opened by temizna - 2
Xenome classify output file
#32 opened by ssinghk - 1
Installation on RedHat 7.9
#34 opened by as7a5 - 0
- 1
Xenome not terminate and not report statistics
#29 opened by BadSeby - 4
Boost error when compiling gossamer
#28 opened by mwaldron104 - 5
- 1
Installation on mac OS
#25 opened by Tebalde0 - 2
Trouble Building Gossamer with Boost
#24 opened by moravveji - 1
xenome classify for scRNAseq
#23 opened by lauramaen - 2
Could you create a Tagged release please?
#19 opened by AndyMenzies - 1
- 6
Problem installing gossamer
#17 opened by FraMatMan - 3
Xenome doesnt finish - takes very long time
#16 opened by obwan74 - 6
building index fails
#18 opened by splaisan - 5
Dependencies and documentation
#5 opened by mjafin - 0
More details of minimum system requirements
#15 opened by dwent - 9
- 1
Xenome hangs after running
#13 opened by MattBashton - 1
Temporary directory defaults
#8 opened by mjafin - 2
Travis integration of tests
#4 opened by genomematt - 0
- 1
Missing helper script?
#10 opened by tseemann