Python bindings for the Point Cloud Library (PCL). Generated from headers using CppHeaderParser and pybind11.
Install using conda: conda install -c conda-forge -c davidcaron pclpy
(see Installation below)
Contributions, issues, comments are welcome!
Github repository:
Many other python libraries tried to bind PCL. The most popular one being python-pcl, which uses Cython. While Cython is really powerful, binding C++ templates isn't one of its strenghts (and PCL uses templates heavily). The result for python-pcl is a lot of code repetition, which is hard to maintain and to add features to, and incomplete bindings of PCL's classes and point types.
Using pybind11, we use C++ directly. Templates, boost::smart_ptr and the buffer protocol are examples of things that are simpler to implement.
The results so far are very promising. A large percentage of PCL is covered.
We use conda to release pclpy. To install, use this command:
conda install -c conda-forge -c davidcaron pclpy
Don't forget to add both channels, or else conda won't be able to find all dependencies.
Windows: python 3.6 and 3.7 are supported
Linux: python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8 are supported
- Most point types are implemented (those specified by
in PCL) - You can get a numpy view of point cloud data using python properties (e.g.
) - boost::shared_ptr is handled by pybind11 so it's completely abstracted at the python level
- laspy integration for reading/writing las files
You can use either a high level, more pythonic api, or the wrapper over the PCL api. The wrapper is meant to be as close as possible to the original PCL C++ api.
Here is how you would use the library to process Moving Least Squares. See the PCL documentation:
Using the higher level api:
import pclpy
# read a las file
point_cloud ="street.las", "PointXYZRGBA")
# compute mls
output = point_cloud.moving_least_squares(search_radius=0.05, compute_normals=True, num_threads=8)
Or the wrapper over the PCL api:
import pclpy
from pclpy import pcl
point_cloud ="street.las", "PointXYZRGBA")
mls = pcl.surface.MovingLeastSquaresOMP.PointXYZRGBA_PointNormal()
tree =
output = pcl.PointCloud.PointNormal()
You can see the wrapper is very close to the C++ version:
// C++ version
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr point_cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> ());
pcl::io::loadPCDFile ("bunny.pcd", *point_cloud);
pcl::MovingLeastSquaresOMP<pcl::PointXYZ, pcl::PointNormal> mls;
pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr tree (new pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointXYZ>);
mls.setSearchRadius (0.05);
mls.setPolynomialFit (false);
mls.setNumberOfThreads (12);
mls.setInputCloud (point_cloud);
mls.setSearchMethod (tree);
mls.setComputeNormals (true);
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointNormal> output;
mls.process (output);
- 2d
- common
- geometry
- features
- filters
- io (meshes are not implemented)
- kdtree
- keypoints
- octree
- recognition
- sample_consensus
- search
- segmentation
- stereo
- surface
- tracking
- ml
- people
- outofcore
- registration
- visualization
- every module not in the PCL Windows release (gpu, cuda, etc.)
(see github issues
and the what to skip section in generators/
Build scripts are in the scripts
Create your conda environment:
conda env create -n pclpy -f environment.yml
Activate your environment:
conda activate pclpy
Install development dependencies:
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Download a copy of PCL Windows:
powershell scripts\download_pcl.ps1
Generate pybind11 bindings Windows:
powershell scripts\generate_points_and_bindings.ps1
For development, build inplace using python
python build_ext -i
For a release, use the scripts/conda_build.bat (or script
On Windows, these arguments can cpeed up the build: - --msvc-mp-build enables a multiprocessed build - --msvc-no-code-link makes the linking step faster (not meant for releases) - --use-clcache to cache msvc builds (clcache must be installed)
- Wrap as much of PCL as reasonably possible
- More tests