
screwy time stamps when collecting at 200Hz with the VN 100

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I finally got the VN100 to produce data at 200Hz but the time stamps look really weird. The data comes in at 200Hz, but it comes in at irregular times, typically one at close to 10ms time delay, then the next one right away such that the average is about 5ms. Any idea what's going on?
This is using the ROS2 version of the driver. The time stamps are from header.stamp (which agrees reasonably well with the recording time in the bag).

Data layout: timestamp, delta_t

0.007156612396240547 0.009268045425415039 
0.007577421188354805 0.0004208087921142578
0.016905071258545235 0.00932765007019043
0.017284633636474922 0.0003795623779296875
0.024430753707886055 0.007146120071411133
0.034222366333008125 0.00979161262512207

Here is the config file for the VN100:

    port: "/dev/ttyUSB0"
    baud: 921600
    reconnect_ms: 500
    # Reference vnproglib- headers for enum definitions
    # Async Output Type (ASCII)
    AsyncDataOutputType: 0           # VNOFF
    # Async output Frequency (Hz)
    AsyncDataOutputFrequency: 200
    # Sync control
    syncInMode: 3                    # SYNCINMODE_COUNT
    syncInEdge: 0                    # SYNCINEDGE_RISING
    syncInSkipFactor: 0
    syncOutMode: 0                   # SYNCOUTMODE_NONE
    syncOutPolarity: 0               # SYNCOUTPOLARITY_NEGATIVE
    syncOutSkipFactor: 0
    syncOutPulseWidth_ns: 100000000
    # Communication protocol control
    serialCount: 0                   # COUNTMODE_NONE
    serialStatus: 0                  # STATUSMODE_OFF
    spiCount: 0                      # COUNTMODE_NONE
    spiStatus: 0                     # STATUSMODE_OFF
    serialChecksum: 1                # CHECKSUMMODE_CHECKSUM
    spiChecksum: 0                   # CHECKSUMMODE_OFF
    errorMode: 1                     # ERRORMODE_SEND
    # Binary output register 1
      asyncMode: 1                   # (just send on port 1, not both!)
      rateDivisor: 4                 # 200 Hz
      commonField: 0x7FFF
      timeField: 0x0000              # TIMEGROUP_NONE
      imuField: 0x0000               # IMUGROUP_NONE
      # set gpsField directly in source to enforce or condition
      attitudeField: 0x0000          # ATTITUDEGROUP_NONE
      # set insField directly in source to enforce or condition
      gps2Field: 0x0000              # GPSGROUP_NONE
    # Binary output register 2
      asyncMode: 0                   # ASYNCMODE_NONE
      rateDivisor: 0
      commonField: 0x0000            # COMMONGROUP_NONE
      timeField: 0x0000              # TIMEGROUP_NONE
      imuField: 0x0000               # IMUGROUP_NONE
      gpsField: 0x0000               # GPSGROUP_NONE
      attitudeField: 0x0000          # ATTITUDEGROUP_NONE
      insField: 0x0000               # INSGROUP_NONE
      gps2Field: 0x0000              # GPSGROUP_NONE
    # Binary output register 3
      asyncMode: 0                   # ASYNCMODE_NONE
      rateDivisor: 0
      commonField: 0x0000            # COMMONGROUP_NONE
      timeField: 0x0000              # TIMEGROUP_NONE
      imuField: 0x0000               # IMUGROUP_NONE
      gpsField: 0x0000               # GPSGROUP_NONE
      attitudeField: 0x0000          # ATTITUDEGROUP_NONE
      insField: 0x0000               # INSGROUP_NONE
      gps2Field: 0x0000              # GPSGROUP_NONE
    frame_id: "vectornav"

    orientation_covariance: [0.01,  0.0,   0.0,
                            0.0,   0.01,  0.0,
                            0.0,   0.0,   0.01]
    angular_velocity_covariance: [0.01,  0.0,   0.0,
                         0.0,   0.01,  0.0,
                         0.0,   0.0,   0.01]
    linear_acceleration_covariance: [0.01,  0.0,   0.0,
                         0.0,   0.01,  0.0,
                         0.0,   0.0,   0.01]
    magnetic_covariance: [0.01,  0.0,   0.0,
                         0.0,   0.01,  0.0,
                         0.0,   0.0,   0.01]

So indeed the IMU time stamps are good (time since startup) but the driver callbacks do not occur at regular intervals leading to ROS header stamps being all over the place. This is not a problem if you go off the imu time stamps but a lot of ROS code goes by the header stamp since the sensor_msgs/Imu does not have a separate time stamp. I was planning on using your conversion node to run off of sensor_msgs/Imu messages, but that won't work unless the time stamps are good.

I will defile your beautiful driver by hacking in a time stamp adjustment. Feel free to ignore the PR :)

Fixed with PR #88 and #91

The root cause for the bad time stamps (and the symptoms themselves) are explained in PR #82.