- 1
split test dataset and see differences in annotation
#164 opened by yamihn - 1
Assigning cell types problem
#163 opened by esoaress - 1
Error while downloading SingleR
#162 opened by isaiao01 - 4
- 1
Error: useNames = NA is defunct. Instead, specify either useNames = TRUE or useNames = FALSE. Traceback:
#161 opened by ArzooShamoon - 1
SingleR - "sc_data" is missing
#160 opened by nitinmahajan20 - 0
Positive correlation between the identity score of the right identities and the rest
#159 opened by cesarsierran - 1
SingleR error
#158 opened by Jessa135 - 0
Annotate Seurat object of several patients
#157 opened by LeaLe88 - 3
- 0
- 2
create custom reference dataset
#148 opened by andynkili - 0
Questions about confidence score
#154 opened by Kevis9 - 0
discriminant features
#153 opened by antoine4ucsd - 2
SingleR() error
#150 opened by Fathzadehm - 2
SingleR install issue
#128 opened by hi9739 - 0
issue with input?
#152 opened by eliabrodsky1 - 0
SingleR Performance Issue
#151 opened by rohitgarg2411 - 1
Error in rowAnyNAs(DelayedArray(x))
#149 opened by Lijunyao8 - 0
Can't download MouseRNAseqData
#146 opened by JiahuaQu - 1
- 0
'assay(<SingleCellExperiment>, i="character", ...)' invalid subscript 'i' 'dimnames' applied to non-array
#144 opened by aanchalsharma833 - 0
can i annotate cells in specific cell types?
#143 opened by hansonglee - 2
How to annotation cluster by singleR 1.2.4
#142 opened by zenghh1226 - 1
Retrieving a list of marker genes which were used assign cell type labels to clusters
#141 opened by jdd1e16 - 1
Cell labeling using SingleR in seurat
#140 opened by ruchikabhat - 7
Create SingleR object from an existing seurat object
#115 opened by naamama - 1
Seurat object as input and normalization
#138 opened by Diozao666 - 1
plotDeltaDistribution not found
#137 opened by r-panero - 4
how to create a new reference data set
#136 opened by Shawn10312 - 2
Adding annotations
#135 opened by AteeqMKhaliq - 1
- 1
Download failed
#133 opened by chansigit - 2
Timeout error
#132 opened by KBoostan - 1
error in BlueprintEncodeData()
#131 opened by rachelzhu123 - 1
undefined columns selected
#126 opened by rahulnutron - 1
Function"CreateSinglerSeuratObject" was not found! Where's the way out?
#130 opened by chuanyang-learner - 2
SingleR web tool
#124 opened by phoebee-h - 1
About how to construct the trainning data set for building the annotation database of other species
#127 opened by BioAIEvolu - 1
SingleR installation error: ‘SingleR’ is not available (for R version 3.6.1)
#125 opened by shintzen - 1
- 0
- 1
bug in CreateBigSingleRObject
#121 opened by systemsgenomics - 3
- 1
fineTuningRound method
#117 opened by xiebb123456 - 0
The SingleR.PlotTsne error
#119 opened by nanshanjin - 1
can not download sqlite3 file
#118 opened by BioLaoXu - 1
Bioconda version of SingleR
#116 opened by hramadas - 6
- 1