EVER Simulator ROS1

Car Photos

⚠️ Car is rear wheel drive

Car dimensions

Car specs

$$ \text{Car mass} = 600.00 Kg $$

$$ Spring\text{ }Constant = 112000.00 N/m $$

$$ C = 1280.00 Kg/sec $$

$$ Wheel\text{ }Track=1.649m $$

$$ Wheel\text{ }Base=2.269m $$

$$ \text{Maximum torque delivered to the wheel}=1.311\times10^{04} N.m $$

$$ \text{steering rate}=70\degree /sec $$

$$ \text{Steering Torque}=1000N.m $$

$$ \text{static friction coff}=0.9 $$

$$ \text{dynamic friction coff}=0.7 $$

$$ \text{maximum turning steering angle}=30 \degree $$

Mounted sensor

  • GPS
  • Velodyne32 3d lidar
  • IMU (linear acceleration and angular velocity , angular position)
  • Velocity sensor
  • MonoCamera with resolution 960x480


/SteeringAngle #subscriber
    #  Type: std_msgs/Float64
    #  info: Used to set the steering angle
    #  uint: Degree
/cmd_vel #subscriber
    # Type: std_msgs/Float64
    # info: Used to set the force on gas pedal range from 0~1 (0 for no pressure on gas pedal and 1 for full pressure on gas pedal).
/odom # publisher
    # type: nav_msgs/Odometry
    # info: Used to publish the position and velocity of the vehicle
    # uint: (position is in meter realtive to the world) (orinetation is quatrion and you must transoform it into euler) (Velocity is in meter/sec)
    # type: sensor_msgs/Imu
    # info: Used to publish the linear acceleration and angular velocity and angular position of the vehicle
    # uint: (linear acceleration is in m/s^2 realtive to the world) (angular velocity is rad/sec)
    # type: sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
    # info: Used to publish Lidar points cloud
    # uint: point distance is in meter
    # type: std_msgs/Float64
    # info: Used to brake apply brake pressure from 0.0 to 1.0
    # unit: No unit
    # type: std_msgs/Bool
    # info: Used to start the simulator if the the message is "TRUE"
    # unit: No unit
    # type: std_msgs/Bool
    # info: Used to pause the simulator if the the message is "TRUE"
    # unit: No unit
    # type: std_msgs/Bool
    # info: Used to stop the simulator if the the message is "TRUE"
    # unit: No unit
    # type: sensor_msgs/Image
    # info: Used to publish the image from the camera in the simulator
    # unit: No unit


⚠️ The Yaw=0 measured from +y-axis not +x-axis
⚠️ Move the file libv_repExtRosVelodyne.so to the coppeliasim main simulator folder


@inproceedings{coppeliaSim, author="E. Rohmer and S. P. N. Singh and M. Freese", title="CoppeliaSim (formerly V-REP): a Versatile and Scalable Robot Simulation Framework", booktitle="Proc. of The International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)", year="2013" note="www.coppeliarobotics.com" }