
Radar data

zxrzju opened this issue · 1 comments

I download the sequence 2019-04-12, which should contain the radar data. Here are the topics in utbm_robocar_dataset_20190412_roundabout_noimage.bag. I wonder which one is the radar data.


          /cloud                             9137 msgs    : sensor_msgs/PointCloud2    

          /hdl32e_left/velodyne_packets      7303 msgs    : velodyne_msgs/VelodyneScan 

          /imu/data                         73091 msgs    : sensor_msgs/Imu            

          /imu/mag                          73091 msgs    : sensor_msgs/MagneticField  

          /imu_data_str                     73091 msgs    : std_msgs/String            

          /nmea_sentence                     7309 msgs    : nmea_msgs/Sentence         

          /objects                           9062 msgs    : sick_ldmrs_msgs/ObjectArray

          /received_messages              2605639 msgs    : can_msgs/Frame             

          /scan                             36369 msgs    : sensor_msgs/LaserScan      

          /velocity                         73091 msgs    : geometry_msgs/TwistStamped

Hi, /received_messages corresponds to radar data. This is what we followed to get the radar data: https://perceptionengine.jp/blog/sensors/continental-ars-308-21-ssao-radar-setup/, and more https://github.com/Ekim-Yurtsever/Continental-ARS-308-21-SSAO-Radar-ROS-driver