does not generate all needed files
gabrielelibardi opened this issue · 2 comments
Hi I am trying to run FFB6D on a new object of which I have a .ply model. I generated the key points following the the instructions but in the obj_name_info directory where the generated files are saved I can see only the following files: center.txt obj_name_corners.txt obj_name_fps.txt obj_name_radius.txt obj_name_SIFTO_fps.tx The script however does not generate a obj_name_8_kps.txt file which is needed to train. Am I missing something?
Hello, I have the same problem. @ethnhe can you explain better the procedure for using new objects?
@gabrielelibardi how can you generate the ply model of a new object in the format needed by the code. Can you point to a guide or a list of commands?
Thanks a lot
@andreazuna89 I found that after running if I copy the files generated like this
mv object_name_info/object_name_fps.txt ../../datasets/dataset_name/kps_orb9_fps/object_name_8_kps.txt
mv object_name_info/object_name_corners.txt ../../datasets/dataset_name/kps_orb9_fps/object_name_corners.txt
like this, basically renaming the fps file to 8_fps, that solves the problem.
To generate the ply model I guess it depends what do you have to begin with. I started with an obj file and worked with it on blender then exported it to ply. Meshlab was also useful.