ONNX-compatible LightGlue: Local Feature Matching at Light Speed. Supports TensorRT, OpenVINO
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Could you tell me your versions of tensorrt and cuDNN? I encountered compatibility issues, thank you
#96 opened - 1
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#93 opened - 1
match extractor_type
#92 opened - 2
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QKV Error when keypoint number is small
#89 opened - 3
onnx vs pth performance
#88 opened - 2
Match indices out of range
#86 opened - 4
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support for different sizes of inputs
#83 opened - 3
Key points from thesuperpoint
#81 opened - 12
the possiblity of supporting batch input
#80 opened - 18
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convert SuperPoint from onnx to engine
#77 opened - 3
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- 0
#73 opened - 8
how to convert onnx into an rknn model?
#72 opened - 3
Adding support for SIFT
#71 opened - 1
".trt.onnx"export example
#70 opened - 2
ALIKED Support
#69 opened - 1
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Internal Error (/lightglue/ArgMax)
#66 opened - 4
error when convert tensorRt engine model
#65 opened - 4
Converting a trained model to ONNX
#63 opened - 3
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The output shape of lightglue's onnx model is dynamic. Does tensorrt support dynamic output?
#59 opened - 5
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#55 opened - 1
support dynamic batch size
#54 opened - 1
#53 opened - 3
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Can't run on CPU
#44 opened - 7
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Issues with the deployment on web
#42 opened - 5
#41 opened - 6
Integration to kornia?
#40 opened - 8
Support for open version of Superpoint
#39 opened - 1
too many values to unpack (expected 2)
#38 opened - 1
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use trtexec
#36 opened - 2
How to export FP32 model?
#35 opened