A novel paradigm for collecting and generating stereo training data using neural rendering
- 5
- 5
Python problems
#39 opened by luuude - 2
[About 3DGS Supervised Deep Stereo]
#47 opened by CaptainEven - 12
About instant-ngp depth
#43 opened by Miaowei-HNU - 0
- 1
- 5
How to calculate AO?
#24 opened by Liyunfengabc - 0
- 4
- 1
about the depth of NERF
#31 opened by xubin1994 - 2
Extracting stereo pairs from custom dataset.
#41 opened by qureshinomaan - 3
About instant-ngp training
#40 opened by Miaowei-HNU - 3
[Positive Feedback]
#36 opened by CaptainEven - 1
Focal length of each scene.
#38 opened by XrKang - 11
- 1
Gpu ram size and processing speed needed?
#37 opened by luuude - 0
[About instant-ngp depth map generation]
#33 opened by CaptainEven - 0
- 2
can not download the dataset from china, download speed is less than 50kb/s, do you have any plan to upload dataset to google drive?
#34 opened by np-csu - 2
About custom dataset preparation
#26 opened by CaptainEven - 1
[Instant NGP render error]
#32 opened by CaptainEven - 4
Can not download the dataset.
#30 opened by mendoza-G - 1
- 0
Hi, Could you please provide me with the correct formula for calculating AO?
#29 opened by Liyunfengabc - 1
Some questions about disparity maps.
#28 opened by guwenxiang1 - 5
- 1
how calculate camera parameter ?
#23 opened by goometasoft - 1
The generation of disparity map
#21 opened by guangxuwang - 8
- 1
- 1
about the process of data production
#16 opened by aiforworlds - 3
- 7
Some questions regarding training.
#18 opened by guwenxiang1 - 2
- 3
Request tips for model training
#14 opened by chewry - 6
how generate center view on my stereo pairs scene ?
#11 opened by 565ee - 3
Is the provided dataset already rectified?
#13 opened by yellowYuga - 3
Metrics results
#6 opened by Nina-Konovalova - 1
Stereo image generation
#9 opened by PoyrazTahan - 4
The baseline calculation of stereo camera
#10 opened by guangxuwang - 1
- 1
model's predictions
#4 opened by Allessyer - 1
The formula for depth rendering
#7 opened by lsyl20 - 2
depth rendering
#5 opened by kiyojimini - 4
- 3
The disparity map is not right
#2 opened by liubinyijia - 8
When will release code & dataset ?
#1 opened by leo-frank