This repository gives the MATLAB implementation of the velocity motion model presented in Probabilistic Robotics (1).
[1] Thrun, S. (2002). Probabilistic robotics. Communications of the ACM, 45(3), 287.
The ideal motion model implementation is presented by the function motion_model_ideal(X, u, dt) in the file titled ideal_motion_model.m
Figure below illustrates poses of the ideal motion between the initial pose x0 = (0 0 − pi/10)T and final pose for time step dt = 0.1 and number of steps N = 20.
The noisy motion model implementation is presented by the function motion_model_noisy(X, u, dt, noise) in the file titled noisy_motion_model.m
Three figures below illustrate samples of the noisy motion for the final pose for command u = (2 pi/4)T , time step dt = 1 and number of samples N = 300 using different noise variances.