

lucius81 opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi Federico, I would like to know if the gs_horizon is meant to compare enrichment analyses resulting from independent DEG analyses. In my case I am performing three different pairwise comparisons between clones of the same cultivar grown under the same conditions, therefore most enriched processes are shared among the three comparisons.

For each pairwise comparison i have performed independent deseq2 analysis. Afterwards I have performed a geneProfiler analysis, followed by the GeneTonic shaker and aggregate scores functions.

My question is: Is it possible to summarize these three pairwise comparisons into a gs_horizon graph?

I was not able to adapt the instructions shown here: https://federicomarini.github.io/GeneTonic/reference/gs_horizon.html to my datasets..

Thanks in advanced,

Hi Luciano,
The gs_horizon should indeed be the way to go.
Running the example lines

           compared_res_enrich_list = compa_list,
           n_gs = 50,
           sort_by = "clustered"


... which would be the unsquished version of what you (don't really) see in the link of the rendered documentation.

You can also play with the sort_by parameter to get a different ordering of the terms


You can focus on the compa_list object, that is pretty much the form you should bring the other enrichment results into.

Hi Federico, thanks for your answer.

My problem is that after defining my data frames and running the gs_horizon function, i keep getting the same error message (both res_enrich and res_enrich2 have gone through the shaker and aggscores functions. Therefore, they both are 11 columns data frames).

res_enrich <- res_enrich_all_greater1_M [1:18, ]
res_enrich2 <- res_enrich_all_greater1_P [1:18, ]
compa_list <- list(scenario2 = res_enrich2)

compared_res_enrich_list = compa_list,
n_gs = 10,
p_value_column = "gs_pvalue",
color_by = "z_score",
ref_name = "ref_scenario",
sort_by = "first_set"
Warning messages:
1: Removed 10 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).
2: Removed 10 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

This is my disappointing output image:


Off course I am certain that there are shared processes between the two compared sets.. so i cannot tell where i am messing-up..

thanks again,

Do you have a snapshot of the necessary objects (ideally the .Rdata workspace?) for me to have a (confidential) look at?
If so, we can continue via mail (see the one listed as maintainer in the package DESCRIPTION)