- 1
error with the Snakemake
#31 opened by bshrestha617 - 2
- 3
Different #peaks in 'peaks-vs-percent.pdf'
#28 opened by RisaWatanabe - 2
Difference in number of FIRE peaks in 'aligned data' vs 'align+phased data' from the same k-mer-variant-phasing run
#27 opened by RisaWatanabe - 1
Issues with new update
#25 opened by dverac - 3
Output model.results.bed.gz
#24 opened by ywang285 - 1
FIRE element size distribution
#21 opened by ywang285 - 2
Typo for installing snakemake executor plugin
#20 opened by tbenavi1 - 1
- 3
Error message with latest FIRE: polars.exceptions.ComputeError: cannot sort column of dtype `null`
#16 opened by ywang285 - 5
- 3
FDR and track calculation error
#13 opened by mrvollger - 2
Questions about FIRE and ft add-nucleosomes
#9 opened by ywang285 - 9
Questions about FIRE installation
#10 opened by dverac - 7
FIRE on targeted seq data: fiber-locations-shuffled.bed.gz is created empty
#7 opened by Strausyatina - 2
Order of phasing and fibertools
#5 opened by tbenavi1 - 1
modwt required but not mentioned in README
#4 opened by MorganHamm - 1
Error in rule wide_fdr_peaks
#2 opened by StephanieBohaczuk