Run simulation on the Gazebo and real Panda?
mitsui29 opened this issue · 0 comments
I wanna try my own low level controller(cartesian impedance controller and so on) in c++ as the controller plugin but for gazebo simulation. This kind of try can let me familiarize with franka robot. I am quite new for Franka. I read the doc Franka Control Interface. The reason for opening this issue is that the used interfaces in Franka Gazebo(Franka_HwSim) and real Franka(Franka_Hw) are not the same. Did anyone run the simulation on the gazebo? Did anyone run the controller on the real panda synchronously? If i want to run my controller on the real panda, should i also change my code for the real panda because of the Interface(Franka_Hw), even though i can run the controller for simulation?I am very confused about the problem right now. I'm looking forward to some of the experiences you can share. Thanks a lot for your time!