
program crash

pxlong opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, thanks for sharing this awesome repo.
I am wondering which version of ceres you are using since I got the following error:
(I am using Ubuntu 16.04 + ROS Kinetic + Ceres 1.12.0 + Eigen 3.2.92. @gaowenliang @PeiliangLi )

gyr x  num of Cluster 100
gyr y  num of Cluster 100
gyr z  num of Cluster 100
acc x  num of Cluster 100
acc y  num of Cluster 100
acc z  num of Cluster 100
wait for imu data.
gyr x  numData 1440063
gyr x  start_t 1.52067e+09
gyr x  end_t 1.52068e+09
gyr x dt 
-------------7200.05 s
-------------120.001 min
-------------2.00001 h
gyr x  freq 200.007
gyr x  period 0.00499982
gyr y  numData 1440063
gyr y  start_t 1.52067e+09
gyr y  end_t 1.52068e+09
gyr y dt 
-------------7200.05 s
-------------120.001 min
-------------2.00001 h
gyr y  freq 200.007
gyr y  period 0.00499982
gyr z  numData 1440063
gyr z  start_t 1.52067e+09
gyr z  end_t 1.52068e+09
gyr z dt 
-------------7200.05 s
-------------120.001 min
-------------2.00001 h
gyr z  freq 200.007
gyr z  period 0.00499982
Gyro X 
C   -1.15909    18.9571   -3.72175    3.77855 -0.0240066
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
E0310 18:00:55.632755 28994] Terminating: Invalid configuration. Solver::Options::max_lbfgs_rank = 0. Violated constraint: Solver::Options::max_lbfgs_rank > 0
 Bias Instability 6.07778e-05 rad/s, at 5.04982 s
 White Noise 9.55941e-05 rad/s
[imu_an-1] process has died [pid 28994, exit code -11, cmd /home/pxlong/ws/catkin_ws/devel/lib/imu_utils/imu_an __name:=imu_an __log:=/home/pxlong/.ros/log/fbb220fa-1c4e-11e8-86a2-7085c22aa66f/imu_an-1.log].
log file: /home/pxlong/.ros/log/fbb220fa-1c4e-11e8-86a2-7085c22aa66f/imu_an-1*.log

my environment set: Eigen 3.3.4 + Ceres 1.13.0 + Ubuntu 16.04 + ROS Kinetic, a little bit different with yours.
Seems there are something wrong with the Hessian Matrix in your solver.
would you mind providing your rosbag data to me?

@gaowenliang I have tested the repo on my computer with the data (16448) you provided.
But I still got this error.

I will try to update Ceres to 1.13.0, and let you know the results.

@gaowenliang After updating Ceres to 1.13.0, everything is OK.