[CameraSensor] CameraInfo not published when there's no CameraImage subscriber
Opened this issue · 1 comments
Deleted user commented
- OS Version: Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS x86_64
- Source or binary build? Gazebo Fortress from source (as of yesterday)
- Expected behavior: The CameraInfo should be published as soon as there's a listener on the CameraInfo topic.
- Actual behavior: You need to manually view the image in the Gazebo GUI to trigger the publishing of the CameraInfo
Steps to reproduce
- Open a Gazebo world with a camera
ign topic -l
ign topic -e -n 1 -t camera/camera_info
- No data is echoed
- Click on the refresh button in
Image Display
- The data should now be echoed in the terminal
This issue was first noticed by myself while attempting to setup ros-ign-bridge. gazebosim/ros_gz#346
By looking at the code, the problem seems to be present in all of the different camera sensors. I confirmed that the issue is present with the DepthCameraSensor since there's one present in my simulation.
Deleted user commented
Fixed by: #308