- ABCConjuncture中国
- atveitMicrosoft
- bdice@NVIDIA @rapidsai
- boris-kuzNative Instruments GmbH
- chang55245
- ChrisDryden@amzn
- cj-millsSouthern California
- claimred@RengaSoftware
- darcykimball
- dongheechoiImperial College London
- dorjeduck
- EmployeeNo427
- espbeePhiladelphia, PA
- fabiohtoSão Paulo
- hammer
- jamesparsloeLondon
- jamieborder
- josephwinston
- Kevin-Delnoije
- kobi-caUS
- krzysztof-jusiakUnited States
- npuichigoSpeechify
- ocriado91
- oroppas
- philipbutlerUnited States
- rishabh135Japan
- scottspacePalo Alto, CA
- SwayamInSync@MicrosoftResearch
- traversaroItalian Institute of Technology
- websitegardener
- wep21
- wuliJerryUniversity of Glasgow
- Yannlecun
- ysy-phoenixUniversity of Science and Technology of China
- yuisekiYuiseki Inc.