
Panic: called glDebugMessageCallback but it was not loaded

davidar opened this issue · 10 comments

The examples are failing to run in recent master (on Windows). I bisected it down to 476b6a1

Repro steps
cargo run --example cube

Expected vs observed behavior
Should run normally, instead it panics with thread 'main' panicked at 'called glDebugMessageCallback but it was not loaded.'

It runs if I set explicitly set WGPU_BACKEND to vulkan or dx12, but looks like it's now defaulting to gl for some reason

Extra materials

stack backtrace:
   0: std::panicking::begin_panic_handler
             at /rustc/9d1b2106e23b1abd32fce1f17267604a5102f57a\/library\std\src\
   1: core::panicking::panic_fmt
             at /rustc/9d1b2106e23b1abd32fce1f17267604a5102f57a\/library\core\src\
   2: glow::gl46::go_panic_because_fn_not_loaded
             at C:\Users\d\.cargo\registry\src\\glow-0.11.1\src\
   3: glow::gl46::call_atomic_ptr_2arg
             at C:\Users\d\.cargo\registry\src\\glow-0.11.1\src\
   4: glow::gl46::struct_commands::GlFns::DebugMessageCallback
             at C:\Users\d\.cargo\registry\src\\glow-0.11.1\src\
   5: glow::native::impl$2::debug_message_callback<void (*)(u32,u32,u32,u32,str)>
             at C:\Users\d\.cargo\registry\src\\glow-0.11.1\src\
   6: wgpu_hal::gles::egl::impl$11::enumerate_adapters
             at .\wgpu-hal\src\gles\
   7: wgpu_core::instance::impl$6::request_adapter::gather<wgpu_hal::gles::Api,core::marker::PhantomData<wgpu_core::id::Id<wgpu_core::instance::Adapter<wgpu_hal::empty::Api> > > >
             at .\wgpu-core\src\
   8: wgpu_core::hub::Global<wgpu_core::hub::IdentityManagerFactory>::request_adapter<wgpu_core::hub::IdentityManagerFactory>
             at .\wgpu-core\src\
   9: wgpu::backend::direct::impl$3::instance_request_adapter
             at .\wgpu\src\backend\
  10: wgpu::Instance::request_adapter
             at .\wgpu\src\
  11: wgpu::util::init::initialize_adapter_from_env_or_default::generator$0
             at .\wgpu\src\util\
  12: core::future::from_generator::impl$1::poll<wgpu::util::init::initialize_adapter_from_env_or_default::generator$0>
             at /rustc/9d1b2106e23b1abd32fce1f17267604a5102f57a\library\core\src\future\
  13: cube::framework::setup::generator$0<cube::Example>
             at .\wgpu\examples\
  14: core::future::from_generator::impl$1::poll<cube::framework::setup::generator$0>
             at /rustc/9d1b2106e23b1abd32fce1f17267604a5102f57a\library\core\src\future\
  15: pollster::block_on<core::future::from_generator::GenFuture<cube::framework::setup::generator$0> >
             at C:\Users\d\.cargo\registry\src\\pollster-0.2.4\src\
  16: cube::framework::run<cube::Example>
             at .\wgpu\examples\
  17: cube::main
             at .\wgpu\examples\cube\
  18: core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once<void (*)(),tuple$<> >
             at /rustc/9d1b2106e23b1abd32fce1f17267604a5102f57a\library\core\src\ops\

Windows 11, NVIDIA

I got the same issue in Windows, can't seem to get around it without
set WGPU_BACKEND=vulkan
in the terminal

This feels like either a glow or gl46 issue. @grovesNL thoughts?

We should probably guard this call by GL version since it's not always available, see the table version in for example

We could also add a helper function to glow like fn supports_debug_message_callback(&self) -> bool and use that to guard this call on either side.

Fresh clone on Windows 10 & NVIDIA RTX 3080 driver 527.56, can confirm this issue is still happening. (EDTI: Hello sample fails no matter what.)

I got the same issue in Windows, can't seem to get around it without set WGPU_BACKEND=vulkan in the terminal

If setting the environment variable $env:WGPU_BACKEND="vulkan" doesn't work, how can I run wgpu on a pc that defaults to gl?

The issue is we call the function on context creation, which happens unconditionally even when running on vulkan.

Okay so I think this is a naming problem - glDebugMessageCallback is supported on gles 3.2, but GL_KHR_debug, which is what we are gating our call with, defines glDebugMessageCallbackKHR. So an implementation that wants to be picky, could not support glDebugMessageCallback but support glDebugMessageCallbackKHR. is where we call it, and supports_debug just checks for GL_KHR_debug.

@askeladd123 and those running into this issue following the example code from here:, I found you can change the backend on the wgpu instance you create in code by changing it from all() to the following:

        // The instance is a handle to our GPU
        // Backends::all => Vulkan + Metal + DX12 + Browser WebGPU
        let instance = wgpu::Instance::new(wgpu::InstanceDescriptor {
            backends: wgpu::Backends::from_bits_truncate(1 << wgpu::Backend::Vulkan as u32),
            dx12_shader_compiler: Default::default(),

I was finding that setting the environment variable didn't work for me either.

Fixed in the glow 0.12.1 release