
Alpha_mode in the SurfaceConfiguration does not work.

tovernaar123 opened this issue · 4 comments

Want to start with the fact that I am very new to wgpu and and anything gpu related for that matter so if my issue is something very obvious I'm sorry.

I wanted to make a transparent window with wgpu + winnit but when setting the alpha_mode for my surface to anything other then Opaque it errored with: 'Requested alpha mode x is not in the list of supported alpha modes: [Opaque]". And when using Opaque it is Opaque which until this point all makes sence (altough I would not know why my gpu does not support other alpha modes). But then when I switch my gpu to my low power integrated gpu I can still not do any alpha modes but when chosing Opaque the window is drawn transparent (and not Opaque).

Repro steps
(mostly a modified version of

use std::iter;

use wgpu::InstanceFlags;
use winit::{
    window::{Window, WindowBuilder},

struct State<'a> {
    surface: wgpu::Surface<'a>,
    device: wgpu::Device,
    queue: wgpu::Queue,
    config: wgpu::SurfaceConfiguration,
    size: winit::dpi::PhysicalSize<u32>,
    window: &'a Window,
impl<'a> State<'a> {
    async fn new(window: &'a Window) -> State<'a> {
        let size = window.inner_size();
        println!("{:#?}", InstanceFlags::empty());
        let instance = wgpu::Instance::new(wgpu::InstanceDescriptor {
            backends: wgpu::Backends::default(),
        let surface = instance.create_surface(window).unwrap();

        let adapter = instance
            .request_adapter(&wgpu::RequestAdapterOptions {
                //chaning this to LowPower makes it work like it want it to (altough not what i expectect to happen)
                // with Opaque
                power_preference: wgpu::PowerPreference::HighPerformance,
                compatible_surface: Some(&surface),
                force_fallback_adapter: false,
        let (device, queue) = adapter
                &wgpu::DeviceDescriptor {
                    label: None,
                    required_features: wgpu::Features::empty(),
                    required_limits: wgpu::Limits::default()
        //check to see if chaning power_preference acctualy did anything
        let surface_caps = surface.get_capabilities(&adapter);
        let surface_format: wgpu::TextureFormat = surface_caps
            .find(|f| f.is_srgb())
        println!("{:?}", surface_format);
        let config = wgpu::SurfaceConfiguration {
            usage: wgpu::TextureUsages::RENDER_ATTACHMENT,
            format: surface_format,
            width: size.width,
            height: size.height,
            present_mode: surface_caps.present_modes[0],
            alpha_mode: wgpu::CompositeAlphaMode::Opaque,
            desired_maximum_frame_latency: 2,
            view_formats: vec![],

        Self {

    fn window(&self) -> &Window {

    pub fn resize(&mut self, new_size: winit::dpi::PhysicalSize<u32>) {
        if new_size.width > 0 && new_size.height > 0 {
            self.size = new_size;
            self.config.width = new_size.width;
            self.config.height = new_size.height;
            self.surface.configure(&self.device, &self.config);

    fn render(&mut self) -> Result<(), wgpu::SurfaceError> {
        let output = self.surface.get_current_texture()?;
        let view = output

        let mut encoder = self
            .create_command_encoder(&wgpu::CommandEncoderDescriptor {
                label: Some("Render Encoder"),

            let _render_pass = encoder.begin_render_pass(&wgpu::RenderPassDescriptor {
                label: Some("Render Pass"),
                color_attachments: &[Some(wgpu::RenderPassColorAttachment {
                    view: &view,
                    resolve_target: None,
                    ops: wgpu::Operations {
                        load: wgpu::LoadOp::Clear(wgpu::Color {
                            r: 0.1,
                            g: 0.0,
                            b: 0.0,
                            a: 0.1,
                        store: wgpu::StoreOp::Store,
                depth_stencil_attachment: None,
                occlusion_query_set: None,
                timestamp_writes: None,



pub async fn run() {


    let event_loop = EventLoop::new().unwrap();
    let window = WindowBuilder::new().with_transparent(true).build(&event_loop).unwrap();
    let mut state = State::new(&window).await;
    let mut surface_configured = false;

        .run(move |event, control_flow| {
            match event {
                Event::WindowEvent {
                    ref event,
                } if window_id == state.window().id() => {
                        // UPDATED!
                        match event {
                            WindowEvent::CloseRequested  => control_flow.exit(),
                            WindowEvent::Resized(physical_size) => {
                                log::info!("physical_size: {physical_size:?}");
                                surface_configured = true;
                            WindowEvent::RedrawRequested => {
                                // This tells winit that we want another frame after this one

                                if !surface_configured {

                            _ => {}
                _ => {}

fn main() {

and cargo.toml with

winit = { version = "0.29.15", features = ["rwh_05"] }
env_logger = "0.10.2"
log = "0.4"
wgpu = "0.20.0"
pollster = "0.3"

Expected vs observed behavior
So what I would expect with Opaque alpha mode is this:
and this is what I get when using my nvidia gpu but when I use the low power one I get:
Now what I would expect is to be able to specify the alpha mode in both cases and that the alpha mode determines if it is drawn transparent, also I dont understand why my nvidia gpu does not support any other modes.

Using windows 11
the high power gpu is a nvidia gpu
the low power gpu is a intel integrated gpu (I am on a laptop)
using version 0.20.0 of wgpu

Wumpf commented

thanks for reporting! Looks like something is messed up there.
I thought actually that we didn't support transparent rendering at all yet on Windows but the described behavior (getting transparent despite selecting Opaque depending on the gpu) is even worse 😮

I don't think this is actually our bug - if anything this is an issue with Intel. We just pass through the vulkan compositing modes, so if Opaque (which is defined in vk as explicitly ignoring the alpha) is reading the Alpha, thats the drivers problem. If that's the behavior they want, they should be advertising the Inherit blend mode, which has undefined alpha blending behavior.

@cwfitzgerald that makes geuss sometimes bugs are usefull (cause I wanted to make something transparent) :). Should I close this issue since its not a wgpu issue? ( And my nivdia gpu not being able to render transparent is already know so their is probibly already an issue for it)

And my nivdia gpu not being able to render transparent is already know so their is probibly already an issue for it

I've just encountered this behavior and this issue is the only one that talks about it (maybe I've missed it).
I'm using a Rtx 3070ti and surface_caps.alpha_modes always returns Opaque, no other options.