Assistant Prof. @ GMU CS Work at the intersection of Robotics and Machine Learning.
George Mason UniversityWashington, D.C.
gjstein's Followers
- aabs7George Mason University
- abpaudelGeorge Mason University
- amirmtaatiPale blue dot
- ay-kaUniversity of Kent
- cfraizerIndiana, US, Earth
- chozee
- CodingTimeYog
- dinosv
- gtpedrosaBrazil
- honeyspoonMontreal
- ifitzpatY. Digital
- jochalek
- KooroshMoslemiUniversity of Toronto
- LaymerNokia Bell NV
- lguenthUniversity of Cologne
- Lisprez
- mahendrathapaKathmandu
- maskegger
- meetgandhi123
- mvshashank08Alexandria, VA
- noshluk2Robotisim
- PhilChinaStudent
- powerverwirrt
- roshandhakalGeorge Mason University
- Russ76Perfect Security LLC
- SairajLoke
- sea-bass@PickNikRobotics
- shegeleyUrbest
- silvesterwaliS.P Digital Agency
- SYED-M-HUSSAINHabib University
- teigaCHENG
- vale981McGill University
- VezarachanElaiza
- westofer
- yimengli46Schnackel Engineers
- yqshao@c3se