
error running ./mjpc

Opened this issue · 7 comments


Thanks for your incredible work of mujoco_mpc! I'm trying to use it on my Ubuntu 20.04, but after every thing went well like this:
I ran cd /bin and ./mjpc and went across this:
with mujoco screen:

Could anyone tell me what happened there? Thanks in advance!


Control limits are required for all actuators, is the error message unclear?

Unless you are saying that you ran MJPC at HEAD, in which case we might have a model which does not comply with this requirement, in which case we have a bug 🙂

cc @thowell

@lrchit which task produces this error?

@thowell I don't think OP reached the point where they even selected a task.
IIUC this just happened to them at the launch of the app?

@lrchit which task produces this error?

I am still new to Mujoco MPC and have just finished compiling the source code. When I try to run ./mjpc, I encounter those above. Could you provide any suggestions on how to resolve this?

@thowell I don't think OP reached the point where they even selected a task. IIUC this just happened to them at the launch of the app?

Yes, I just ran ./mjpc and the error message appeared. Should the tasks be specified after ./mjpc?

husnoo commented

@thowell I don't think OP reached the point where they even selected a task. IIUC this just happened to them at the launch of the app?

Yes, I just ran ./mjpc and the error message appeared. Should the tasks be specified after ./mjpc?

Did you figure this out?